Chapter 11 - Lara

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11 – Lara


3rd August 2015 – 12:00am

“Excuse me? What do you mean I died a couple of hours ago? I’m alive aren’t I? I’m right here” I said exasperated.

          “Well between me, you and him, you’re alive as ever but as for the rest of the world, you died a few hours ago” Lauren said.

          “What do you mean?” I asked.

          “You might want to sit down because this is going to be a long explanation” Lauren said, indicating for me to follower her but I stood my ground.

          “No! Just tell me what you mean right here, right now so then I can leave” I shouted.

          “Okay then." Lauren said, "Well, to begin with, you know how I told you about that clean up team?” Lauren asked and I nodded. “Well we instructed them to set fire to the care home so that when the police arrived, not much would be left behind.”

          “What has that got to do with me being dead?” I asked.

          “Well, the story is that, you went mad, you killed somebody then set fire to the house and killed yourself,” Lauren explained.

          “But then would also mean that you destroyed all the evidence that you said you were framing me with?” I said, phrasing it as a qiestion.

          “Yep that’s right,” Lauren said and my mouth dropped opened as I realised how stupid I was.

          “So I came here for nothing?” I asked.

          “Not exactly nothing,” Lauren said. “We made sure to leave enough evidence in the building for them to identify three bodies. Jillian’s, mine and yours.”

          “I still don’t get it,” I said.

          “ There was a witness that saw the whole thing and right now is telling the authorities about it. As you've already probably guessed, that witness is one of us and we have instructed him to say everything that we want him to.” Lauren said.

          “Now what’s going to happen is that, we’re going to give them all your details so that they know who you are and everything about you, but to them, you died in that fire. They’ll have enough evidence to convict you with the murder of Jillian and me but they won’t be able to do anything about it because you’re dead.” Lauren explained.

          “We didn’t agree to this, I have friends back there, you can’t expect them to believe that I went mad and killed myself along with two others?” I said.

          “They will believe it and if they don’t, that’s not my problem,” Lauren said.

          “And what’s stopping me from leaving right now?” I asked.

          “The fact that the world thinks you’re dead and if you do make an appearance, they’ll question everything and while they do, they’ll keep you detained for further questioning.” Lauren said.

          “I mean, you’d be charged with murder anyway, but that would be the least of your worries. You’ll have to explain to them why they found your dead body in the building but yet you’re alive in front of them. They’ll believe that you’re some sort of supernatural freak and they will experiment on you, time after time.” Lauren said. “And don’t think you can tell them all about us because you’ll seem even more crazy. Like I said before, once we’re gone, we’re gone and if we don’t want to be found, we won’t be,” Lauren explained.

          “Who said I would go to the authority if I leave?” I smiled, even though I felt like crying underneath.

          “Well, they’re the only ones that you would be able to go to if you wanted to stand a chance of running from us. Not saying you’d have much of a chance anyway,” Lauren said.

          “Is that a threat?” I asked, slightly shocked.

          “Yes,” Lauren replied casually.

          “So I don’t really have much choice then do I?” I asked.

          “No, you do,” Lauren said, “You can choose to run and stay hidden from the authorities and us however, you’ll have no chance at staying alive. You can choose to go to the authorise and hide from us but they’ll detain you and experiment on you for years on end, however you’ll still have no chance of staying alive if we have anything to do with it. Or you can join us and we’ll help you as well as making sure of your survival,” Lauren said.

          “...So, I don’t have much choice then do I?” I repeated.

          “No,” Lauren said.

          “I have one thing to ask you,” I said.

          “What?” Lauren said.

          “Who are you, and why go through all this trouble to frame me?” I asked.

          “It wasn’t that hard to be honest,” Lauren muttered to herself, “You’ll be told all this information in time but first I need to hear your decision,” Lauren said.

          “Yes, I want your help, I want to join you,” I said and I hoped that I wouldn’t regret this decision.

          “I’m going to give you a quick sedative, which will knock you out for a couple of hours, you can either struggle and I’ll have you pinned down or you can cooperate and things will go nicely,” Lauren said, taking a needle which the man standing beside her handed over.

          “What does it do?” I asked.

“You should have been listening, I just told you,” Lauren said walking over to me.

          “Wait no, stop, I’ve changed my mind,” I panicked, backing away from Lauren. I ended up walking into something and as I turned around to see what it was, I saw two tall men - like the ones outside - who stopped me and held me still.

          “Stop, I change my mind!” I shouted, “I don’t want to join you,” I cried out loud.

          “Too late now,” Lauren said holding up the needle to my neck.

          “Please, I’ve changed my mind,” I cried.

          “Don’t worry, it’s not going to hurt,” Lauren said and then I felt the coldness of the needle press up against my skin before a huge mountain of pain erupted out my skin as the needle was inserted into it.

          “I lied,” Lauren smiled.


Haii guys!

Not going to lie, but i think that this is my favourite chapter so far!

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