Prologue- It's these things that make us the Foo Fighters

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I knew from the moment I saw him that we'd be best friends. He's funny, energetic, insanely enthusiastic and has a heart of gold.
The day I first spoke to Taylor Hawkins, I thought I fucked everything up almost immediately.

"Hey man! I need a drummer for my band. Do you know any?" I didn't realise how fuckin' rude I was actually being.

"Yeah, me." He responded. I wasn't expecting him to volunteer himself.

"Are you sure? I mean, we don't play arenas and shit like that."

"I don't care, dude. I wanna be in a fuckin' rock band and this might be my last chance."

"Okay man, but we if we jam and I like you, you have to be in the band." I wasn't about to let this go.


At that point, I was fucking shocked. This guys sells out arenas with Alanis fuckin' Morissette and he wants to come play with Foo Fighters? There's no god damn way I'm turning that shit down.

*Meeting Taylor Hawkins*

"Hey! How's it goin' man?" I go in for a handshake, but he goes for the hug. I like him already.

"I'm great! Really fuckin' pumped to jam with you."

"Sweet, let's do it man."

He was good. In fact, he was better than good. At least, I thought so. And I was in fuckin' Nirvana.
Our bass player, Nate, was a little more hesitant. He didn't know if he could handle two hyped up man-toddlers in the same band. We ended up going with him anyway, he just seemed to fit. It felt right.

At nearly the same time as we gained Taylor, we also gained Franz, our new lead guitarist. I had known Franz Stahl for years and years. He and I were in Scream, my first band. I was the youngest and Franz really took me under his wing.
So naturally, when Pat Smear said he was sick of it and he needed to quit, I knew I had to call Franz. He, of course, agreed to join the Foo Fighters.
Taylor and Franz really hit it off, and it was touching to see my old friend and my new friend get along so well. Taylor and Franz were in the band a few years, until we were ready to start our new record after touring for our last one. I began to notice that Franz wasn't fitting in as well as Taylor was. He didn't seem to want to contribute to the songwriting process, no matter how much I encouraged him. He kept saying that he was just 'finding his place in the band'. But I knew that wasn't it.

I had a long think about it, and eventually came to the conclusion that a band had to fit together to work. And as much as I loved him, Franz was the odd one out. The puzzle piece that didn't belong to the puzzle you bought at the second hand store. The piece of pizza that was a little smaller than the rest because the employee that cut it was still in training.

You get the picture.

I discussed it with the rest of the band and they agreed. So one day in 1999, Taylor and I made the call.

"Hey Franz. How you doing?" I said.

"Good man, what's up?" Franz replied.

"Uh, so I got Taylor here with me."

"Hey Franz."

"Hey Taylor. Is something up, guys?"

"Listen, we gotta talk to you about something."

"Spit it out, dude. Are you okay?"

"It really sucks and I really hate that we have to have this conversation with you, but we gotta kick you outta the band, man."

That's What Makes Us The Foo Fighters (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now