Chapter 5- Cheesy Fucker

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We finally reach the next city and immediately retreat to our hotel rooms to unwind and wait for sound check that night. We were doing two shows in this city.

This time Taylor and I shared a hotel room and were excited to spend some time alone together away from the rest of the band.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something." Taylor says while we sit on our bed.

"Am I in trouble, sir?" I joke.

"No, but it is kinda serious."

"Go on.."

"One day, when we've been together for a while, do you think we'll go public with our relationship? And when do you want to tell our parents and shit?"

"Taylor, my love, my heart, we have all the time in the world to figure that out. I definitely want to go public one day, but not quite yet. We've only been officially dating for a few days, although it feels like we've been married for years. And I think we should tell our parents next time we visit. It should definitely be in person. But for now, in this moment, I just want to be with you." I take Taylor's hands in mine.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just so fuckin' happy you know? And I want everyone else to know how happy I am too."

"It's evident on your face, baby. You look all kinds of high, but in a good way. You've got that 'I'm in love' kind of dazed look and it's fucking adorable."

"Okay, you cheesy fucker." He laughs. I bring my hand up to his face and pull him in for a kiss. The kiss begins to get a little intense, and Taylor pulls away.

"Do you wanna do this? I mean, I've never done it with a guy before."

"I haven't either, but I'm good with whatever you wanna do. We won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, yeah?"

"Alright, let's fuck then." Taylor grins cheekily and pulls me back towards him.

{We fucked like there was no tomorrow. We decided that there was no top or bottom, we both kind of liked to switch. We also discovered that Taylor had a hair-pulling kink and I was super into orgasm-delay kinda shit. But we won't get too into that.}

When our phones go off, we wake up completely tangled in each other and really fucking sore.

"Fuck, what's the time?" I groan.

"We've got 30 minutes before sound check." Taylor detangles our legs and rolls over. "Ah, fuck. I knew I'd be sore but I didn't realise it'd hurt this much."

"Did I really hurt you? Are you okay?" I sit up and look at him.

"Dave, baby, I'm better than okay. I knew what I was getting into, and that was my first time. It wasn't gonna be fuckin' sunshine and rainbows, although I definitely enjoyed it." He grins and me and starts to get up.

"Okay, as long as you aren't really hurt. Do you wanna shower?"

"As long as I get to suck you off, sure." Taylor pulls some clothes out and heads to the bathroom, smirking.

"Fuckin' deal." I eagerly walk to the bathroom.

{Those days, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. And let me tell you, nothing has changed in the 16ish years we've been together. We still fuck like rabbits and we aren't ashamed, we haven't let age deter us from expressing our love to each other.}

Half an hour later, we're at the venue doing sound check. Except this time, the energy was different. We didn't have many stops left of the tour. By that, I mean this was our last city. These last two shows were going to be the last for another few years, and I couldn't tell if I was relieved or sad. I think it was both.

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