Chapter 4- You Think I Won't Suck your Dick?

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*Chris' Point Of View*

Nate I decided to hit the hay, leaving Pat to finish his cigarette and head to bed himself. We could tell he was getting a little antsy and needed some time to himself to unwind.

Nate head straight to the bathroom to brush his teeth, which I had done earlier. I walked into the small room where the bunks are and my eyes were immediately drawn to Taylor's bunk, where Dave and Taylor were so close to each other, you couldn't tell where one man was joined to the other. Taylor has his head right in Dave's chest and was softly smiling in his sleep, muttering happy nothings. Dave had his legs and arms wrapped around Taylor as though he'd fly away if he let go for even a second. The utter bliss on both men's faces was all the encouragement Chris needed to take out his phone and take a picture.

I climbed up onto Nate and I's bunk and laid down, moving over so that Nate could climb in. He came back from the bathroom and I saw him glance and Dave and Taylor.

"Holy shit. That's adorable. Did you take a picture of that?" He gushed quietly.

"Way ahead of you, my love." I grinned and patted the bed. "Come to bed, baby. We have a few more hours on the road to go."

Nate climbs up the ladder and lays down next to me, cuddling up close.

"We should get married one day." He mumbled into my chest.

"That won't be legal for a while, my love. Don't worry, we don't need marriage to be completely devoted to each other. But when the time comes and it does hopefully become legal, we'll still be together. And if you still want to get married, we'll have the most extravagant wedding you've ever seen. Sound good, baby?"

"I'd love that." He happily mutters.

"Then it's settled." I could feel Nate relax and start to drift off to sleep.

{It was as I was cradling the man to my chest, I realised that this was how it was gonna be forever. I knew it, because the kind of love that Nate and I share is endless. I'd do anything for Nathan Mendel and he knows it. He'd do anything for me and I know it.}

*Dave's Point Of View*

A couple hours later, I wake up with Taylor still asleep in my chest, no longer muttering, but snoring gently. I realised I woke up because Pat was shaking my shoulder gently.

"Good, you're awake. We reached our next pit stop before the next hotel. Then you guys can sleep all you want. Chris and Nate are already in the bathroom. We're only stopping for like 45 minutes." Pat says, walking back out into the kitchenette.

I slowly scoot away from Taylor, untangling our limbs. I walked into the kitchenette and noticed it was starting to get light outside.

"Dude, what time is it?" I ask Pat.

"5:05am on the dot. I woke you up because if you don't go and stretch your legs and get some fresh air now, you'll have to wait another 4 hours. So I strongly suggest you go wake up Taylor, you know how restless he can be in the buses." Pat laughed.

"Man, don't even get me started." I grin.

"How are you feeling after last night? You seemed like there was something else you weren't saying."

Fuck. I knew I couldn't get anything past Pat.

"It's hard to explain. I just felt kinda weird." I tried to shrug it off.

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