Chapter Seven- I fucking Love You

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*Dave's Point Of View*

After soundcheck, Taylor and I retreat back to the green room. We had an hour and a half before the show.

"Hey, I don't wanna push anything, but can you tell me about the whole dream thing?" I ask gently.

Taylor looks up from the couch where he was laying down.

"Yeah, sure. Come sit next to me." He sits up and pats the spot next to him on the couch. I move over there and sit, looking at him with as much love as I could muster.

"Okay, so after the thing in London, I had some pretty intense nightmares and shit. You didn't know about it because you were touring with Queens Of The Stone Age at the time. They began after we all agreed to take a break from the record we all deemed to be stupid." Taylor said, not a trace of hostility in his voice.

I immediately felt awful. Did I really abandon Taylor during his darkest time? And yet, here he is, my loving boyfriend.

"I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that to you." I take Taylor's hand and look into his eyes.

"Hey, that's in the fuckin' past. We've talked about this, remember? I forgave you ages ago. We were young and stupid. We still are. We made mistakes, and we'll make so many more." How does he know exactly what the fuck to say?

"Anyway, after the dreams started, I moved in with Chris for a while. He insisted that he wanted to do something nice, and to look after me. He also made the point that he'd get to know me better, and he was still fresh meat to the band back then." He pauses and thinks. "I didn't tell you about the dreams back then because I kind of resented you for leaving and playing with another band while I was in a dark place. Again, I completely forgive you and understand that you didn't know what was happening with me. I'm not upset."

"I'm still sorry. I'll never abandon you again." I softly rub the back of his hand with my thumb.

"I know, bear. I won't abandon you either." He smiles. "For months I barely slept, and regrettably, I kept Chris awake a lot as well. He constantly said he wasn't bothered and he just had my health in mind, but I still felt awful. A few times I described the dream to him, but usually he didn't ask. He just got me some water and sat with me and distracted me. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that man."

"Remind me to give Chris a huge fucking raise." I joke. Taylor laughs and continues.

"On multiple occasions Chris had to call Nate because I was inconsolable and he didn't know what to do. Every time, without fail, even if it was three in the morning, Nate showed up at Chris' apartment and helped me through the panic attack. He truly is a saint."

"We don't deserve Nate." I smile.

"We really don't. I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for him and Chris. But yeah, that's pretty much what the dream thing is. They stopped a few months later." He paused. "When you came back." He looked at his fingers sheepishly.

"I feel so fuckin' bad. You know how much I love you, right?" I take his hands in mine.

"Yeah, as much as I love you. Which is a fuckin' lot." He grins. "Hey, I have a question. You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable."


"What was songwriting like with Kurt? I've always wondered." He looks almost ashamed to ask the question.

"Oh, that's easy. I've actually always wanted to talk about this with someone, I just hadn't met the right dude. And now he's sitting in front of me." I smile.

I tell Taylor everything, from lyrics to melodies, and the whole time he looks completely entranced. It felt as though a ton of weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I ended up talking about a lot of things Kurt did that had nothing to do with songwriting, purely because I'd never had anyone to tell the stories to. Taylor sat and listened to everything, holding my hand tighter when I began to tear up when remembering my old friend.

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