Chapter 1- The Kid Thing Is Kinda Creepy

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It's now 2003, and things are going good. Last year we released our record 'One By One' and are currently touring.
{What's going on in this year? Why don't you find the fuck out.}


"Hey Dave! Have you seen my fucking red shorts?" Taylor shouts at me from across the green room that we share.

"Taylor, I'm right the fuck here. You don't have to yell. And they're in your hands you dumb fuck." I laugh at him.

"Oh. Right. We're on in 15 right?" And just as quick as that, he forgot all about the red shorts and pulled on a pair of blue and white ones. Sometimes I swear it's like babysitting a 5 year old.

"Yeah, I put the set list on the table over there. I also gave a copy to the other guys, so don't worry."

"Cool." He sits on the couch and pulls out his drumsticks, beginning to practice on whatever is around him.
There's a knock on the door and Chris saunters in, his cheeks flushed, looking almost embarrassed.

"What did you do?" I asked, eyebrow raised.

"Nothing yet. I was actually coming to get some advice and figured that the pre-show jitters would give me the courage to ask." He sits opposite Taylor and looks at me, sitting on a stool behind the couch that Taylor is aggressively drumming on.

"Alright, shoot. How can I help you?" I ask over Taylor's practice drumming.

"So uh, you've known Nate a long time right?"

"I'm not kicking him out, man. He's too good to lose."

"Jesus Christ, that is on the other end of the spectrum in things I could ask. I was actually gonna ask if you know if he's into dudes or not."

"Oohhhhh Okay. Yeah, he is. I'm not sure as to what degree of dude liking, but he's definitely open to the possibility of liking a dude. Specifically you, or not. You know. It's not like he told me that or anything. He definitely didn't tell me that he thought about what your kids would look like or anything."

"Oh my god. Are you serious?" Chris looks like he's about to explode of happiness.

"The kid thing is kinda creepy, dude." Taylor mutters over the banging of drumsticks against the coffee table.

"I think that it's fuckin' adorable." He says, and wanders off again, presumably to find Nate.

"You think they're gonna date?" Taylor asks after a while.

"I fuckin' hope so. Nate's been drooling over Shiflett for years."
Taylor laughs and shakes his head.

"Guess you're right. They'll be good for each other." He smiles.

"Of course they will. It's Nate and Chris, they're like our parents. Hey, I heard you were working on a new beat just then. Can you play it again for me?"

"Oh yeah! It was just something I was thinkin' about last night. It goes like this."

And for the next ten minutes before the show, Taylor and I worked on a new song.

{It ended up being DOA, which we put on our next album, In Your Honor. I also put 'On The Mend' on that album. But that's way after this.}

*After the show*

"That was a good fuckin' show, dude!" Taylor's face lights up as he begins to describe all the parts of the show that he loved and what he thought the band did really well. I could look at that joyful expression on his face all day.

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