Chapter 3- He's My World

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"Hello to you too." Taylor grins.

Pat clears his throat.

"Heartwarming, truly. Can we get through sound check before you start making out, please?"

"Uh, sorry. Rain check?" I wink at Taylor.

"Sure. Meet me in my hotel room after." He smirks and walks over to his drums.

"Guys. Gross. Save that shit for later." Nate says, picking up his bass.

{All through this sound check, Taylor and I winked at each other and fooled around like lovesick idiots. We were still best friends, but it was suddenly like our eyes had been opened and we appreciated more things about each other. I could freely watch Taylor drum and stare at his chest without questions from the band. Taylor seemed to drum more freely, I began to play better, and our moods lifted to the skies. It was like a rope had been cut, a knot had been untied, an invisible cloud taken from above our heads. We were better with each other, and the whole time we were together, we were fully aware and switched on to how much good we did for each other. It was just good.}

After sound check, everyone retreated to their respective green rooms to mentally and physically prepare for the show that night.

The instant that I close the door to Taylor and I's room, Taylor pushed me against it and attacked my fuckin' mouth with his.

He kissed his way down my chest, obviously having no fucking idea what to do.

"You ever blown someone, T?" I mutter.

"No fucking way. You're the only guy I've ever even considered doing anything with."

"Do you want to? I'm willing to give it a go if you aren't comfortable."

"Just have some patience, I'll work it out."  He starts unbuttoning my jeans, finding confidence in me asking for consent.

"You sure?"

"You're a sweet fucker, but yeah I'm sure. I want this. Do you?"

"Fuck yeah." I giggle. "Wait, before we start, I gotta say something."


"Suck my dick, Hawkins."

"Fuck you."

{I'll spare you the details, but that was the best blowjob I've ever had, even though it was a little messy. In my eyes, it was complete fucking heaven, because it was given by my whole world. My soulmate. My fuckin' drummer boy.}

Everyone gathers in our room for drinks before the show. I guess Chris noticed that Taylor and I were a little giddy, and had to say something.

"Did you two do something? You're acting weird."

I went to say something but Taylor slapped his hand over my mouth. I burst into a fit of giggles and Taylor soon joined me. I removed his hand and flipped Taylor over, pinning his hands behind his back. Everyone watched in amusement as Taylor struggled to break free.

"Don't say it! Don't you fuckin' say it!" He gasped between laughs.

"I'm gonna tell them!" I nearly couldn't breathe at this point.

"I'll never do it again if you say it!"

"That's bullshit and we both know it." At this point, the rest of the band had joined in the laughter and were cheering me on.

"What the fuck did you do, Taylor?" Nate said over the giggles.

"He had my dick in his mouth!" I yell and let go of Taylor, running away before he could chase me. He quickly got up.

That's What Makes Us The Foo Fighters (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now