To fix a broken heart

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Michael took a deep breath before he began to speak. "I started cutting four months ago. I felt so alone. My parents were never there for me. I felt as if no one cared. I would just sit in my room, playing video games all day. Yesterday was the first time I went to school in three and a half months. Yesterday was the first time my eyes fell upon you. Yesterday was the first time I was clean since I started to cut," he paused, "I feel as if you're the only person who understands me. As if you're the only person who is there for me. And I know that sounds completely insane because we've only just met. But it's true, y/n." I sighed, "I'm sorry mike." Michael kissed my forehead, "It's okay, beautiful. Please don't be sorry. Everything will be okay." I sniffed back my tears and began to explain my story to Michael, "I've been cutting for months. As long as I can remember. It started when I was younger. My dad was abusive. He used to hit my mum and me. It was the drink. It did things to his head. We constantly lived in fear. Then one day, not so long after my 12th birthday, I decided enough was enough. I told the police and they arrested him. But that just made things worse. It made my mum hate me. Although he was horrible to us, mike, she still loved him. She hated me for taking him away from her. So she turned to drink and drugs. It wasn't too bad in the beginning, but it slowly got worse. I wouldn't see her for days on end. It was my 15th birthday four days ago. I spent the day being abused up by Will and the night alone in this dark house, not knowing where my mum was. I hate living like this, mike, I hate it." I burst into tears and Michael wrapped his arms around my waist. "Everything will be okay, y/n," he whispered," I promise. I'm here now and I'll never leave."

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