Imagine #1: Tate Langdon

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When we got to the new house I ran upstairs to my new room and looked around. Mom brought up some of my boxes and told me to unpack them. I was unpacking my music Vinyls when I heard a small chuckle and voice say " You like Nirvana huh?" The voice said.

I turned around to see a Blonde hair boy with brown eyes looking at the cds of Nirvana. "Um yeah I do. Um who are you?" I asked "Oh I'm Tate. Tate Langdon Your dad is my new therapist." He said with a small smile. "And you are?" He asked. "Oh I'm Y/N. Y/N Harmon." "You know this use to be my old room." He says. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah but we moved us next door." He said with a chuckle. I chuckled a little when my dad walked in "Y/N- who's this?" He asked "oh I'm Tate Langdon." Tate said and my dad smiled a little "oh I'm your new therapist Dr. Harmon." My dad said and stuck his hand out for Tate to shake. Tate returned the shake and shook his hand.

"Well Y/N I'll let you get pack to unpacking and Tate I'll see you on Tuesday?" He said to me and asked Tate. I nodded and so did Tate. Tate helped me unpack the rest of my things and showed me around the house. "Follow me." He said in a whisper as we pasted my parents talking to Constance. We ran back upstairs into my room. He put on Nirvana and asked me to dance with him.

I chuckled and took his hand and he Twirled me around and put his hands on my waist. I put my arms around his neck and swayed back and fourth around the room. "Hey Y/N?" I heard my mom say. I instantly jumped back and turned the music off "so um who's this?" She asked pointing to Tate "oh um I'm Tate Langdon your Husband is my new Therapist." He said "oh I'm Vivian Y/N's mom." She said with a smile.

"Well I'm must be getting home now. See you soon Y/N?" He said / asked "yes see you soon Tate." I said and kissed his cheek. His cheeks flushed red and he smiled and walked out. Mom looked at me with a smile "what?" I asked she just smiled and shook her head at me and walked out.

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