Imagine #5: Kai Anderson

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I was walking down the street when a guy with Blue hair bumped into me causing me to spill my coffee cup all over me. "Shit." I said in a whisper because the coffee was still hot. "Oh shit here let me help you." He said and helped clean the coffee of my shirt. " thanks..." I said not knowing his name. "Kai and your welcome..." he said not knowing my name. "Y/N." I said with a smile.

He smiled back and took my hand and entered the coffee shop. "Since I spilled coffee all over you. You can get another on me." He said with a smile. "Oh no it's okay really." I said "hey look I bumped into and made you spill coffee on yourself. So how about I buy you a cup of coffee and we just get to know each other?" He said/ asked. I smiled and nodded and ordered what I wanted.

We sat down and started talking about ourselves. I was laughing and he was laughing he seems like a kind person. "Hey wanna go back to my place?" He asked and I looked at him questioning him. "Not like that I want you to met some one." He said and I nodded still confused.

When we got there he walked in and called out to someone. A girl walked down the stairs "Yes Kai?" She asked kinda annoyed by him "Winter this is (Y/N),(Y/N) this is My sister Winter." He said introducing us. She smiled and put her hand out for my to shake. I shook her hand and smiled back at her "I think you two would be good friends." Kai said with a smile.

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