Imagine #10: James March

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{James POV}
(Y/N) has been the most kindest person to me since what happened with The Countess. "Hey Liz" I say when I see Liz walking out of her room. "Hey James?" She asked and stopped in front of me. "Yes?" I asked her "how are you and {Y/N} Doing?" She asked. I smiled and said "we are doing great." She smiled "are you two together?" She asked

"N-no" I said in a stuttered voice. She smirked at me and walked away "ask her out bitch!" She yelled down the hallway while laughing. I smiled and laughed at what she said.

Maybe I should ask her out we've gotten to know each for a little while and I feel like I love her a lot. I walked into the main entrance to see the Countness talking to Y/N! "Hey what happening over here?" I asked and smiled at Y/N and she smiled back and blushed a little.

"Oh nothing James" the countness said and walked away. I looked at Y/N. And smiled and she smiled. But then something happened to her. Her eyes went black and she backwards I caught her before she fell and Liz ran towards us.

Part 2?

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