Imagine #7 : Violet Harmon

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A new family has moved into the infamous Murder House. I was walking around the house to see the new family. A girl with light brown hair walked in. She looked about 16 or 17. "See violet it's not so bad." A girl with curly hair said "yea whatever mom..." violet I assumed said. She walked upstairs and walked into her now new bedroom.

"That was my room." My Brother Tate said. "I know Tate it was mine to." I said smiling at him. I walked into her room and over to her music section. "You like Nirvana?" I asked as I found Nirvana records. She turned around quickly and looked at me with a confused look. "Who the hell are you two?" She asked and I turned around to see Tate.

"I'm Tate." Tate said and smiled and moved his hair from his face. "And I'm (Y/N) were your neighbors." I said with a smile. "Oh well I'm Violet Harmon." She said and stuck her hand out. I saw little pink lines on her wrist. I took her hand and shook it. She smiled and looked over to the door where a guy stood. "Dad this is Y/N and Tate our neighbors." She said to her dad.

"Y/N and Tate are you two my new patients?" He asked and we both nodded sadly. "Well Tate I think we should he'd home." I said and looked at Violet "nice meeting you Violet." I said with a smile "nice to meet you too Y/N" she said with a smile and I walked out.

"I think someone got a crush" Tate said in a teasing voice while poking my side. I pushed him off and went down to the basement and played with Beu.

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