Imagine # 8: James March

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My mother and father kicked me out after I dropped out of college. I needed a place to stay so I adventured around the city and found a a place called "Hotel Cortez". I walked in and to the front desk to see a man with beautiful makeup on. "Hello welcome the hotel." They said. "Hello I would like a room please." I said and smiled they smiled back.

"Okay here's your room key." They said "thanks By the way I love your makeup." I said to Them and they smiled "thank you so much I'm Liz by the way." She said "I'm Y/N" I said and walked up the stairs. I got to the room and walked in and sat on the bed.

I walked around the room till I heard some one knock. I opened it up to see Liz with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. "Hi Liz" I said with a smile "hey i wanted to see if you would join me for some wine?" She said / asked. "Um sure-" I was about to say something when someone cut me off." What do we have here Liz?" A handsome man asked her.

"Oh this is Y/N she's staying here for a while." Liz says to him "well I'm James Patrick March owner of this hotel." He says and sticks his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand and smile and he smiles back.

"James why don't you take Y/N here to the bar for a drink while I go clean up?" Liz asks him. "I would love to." He says and takes the Wine and wine glasses from her and tells me to follow him downstairs to the bar for a couple off shots.

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