Imagine #2: Jimmy Darling

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My mother thought it would be a good if she took me and my Brother Dandy to the Freak Show. Dandy was screaming at Dora when mother walked in "Y/N Dandy would you both like to go to the Freak Show?" She asked and I turned around and screamed "YES!" Dandy looked at me with a weird look and I looked down.

When we got to the Freak Show, the owner Elsa Mars walked on stage "take your seats the Show is about to start." She said and walked off the stage. I sat down next to Dandy, Dandy was talking to mother when I looked over to the left and saw a man with brown hair and brown hair looking over at me.

He winked at me and went behind the stage and I blushed "why you red Sister?" I heard Dandy asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and looked at the stage.

The lights went off and a stage light shined down to Elsa, who was on the stage,.  "Welcome to the Freak Show. The first acted is The Tattler twins. Bette and Dot." Elsa said. The lights went dark again and when they shined back to the stage two sister with the same body was on the stage. I looked at them amazed by what I saw. They looked at me and smiled at my expression on my face and started to sing.

"Thank you." Bette said. Dot stayed quiet and they walked of stage. A few more people came out and all of their acts were amazing Dandy was disgusted by what he saw. The next person walked on stage and it was the boy I saw before the show started. "I'm Jimmy but most people call me Lobster Boy because of my hands. I'm going to be singing for my act." He said.

The beat of the song came on and he started singing it was amazing but Dandy just looked at him disgusted by his hands. After the show Elsa invited us back stage "I'll give $15000 for those twins." Dandy and Mother said "well their the prostitutes dear." Elsa said and everyone laughed including me. "What's going on here?" Jimmy asked as he eyed Dandy and Mother with a glare. "Asking to buy the Tattler Twins." I said quietly to him.

"Well their not for sell." Jimmy said in a harsh voice. Dandy and Mother walked out of the tent. "Look I'm so sorry for what my Brother and mother did." I said to Elsa "that's your family?" She asked and I nodded sadly. "Just let them know nobody is for sell here at The Freak Show." She said and I nodded and began to walk away before a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me back.

"I'm Jimmy Darlin." He said in my ear "I'm Y/N Mott" I said and turned around to face him "your act was really good by the way." I said to him and he smiled "really i never sang before tonight so that means a lot." He said with a smile "Y/N HURRY UP NOW!" I heard Dandy yell "well I gotta get going. So see ya." I said to him

"Yea see ya" He said before kissing my cheek and walking off "I hope to see you again Y/N." He said "Me too Mr.Darlin" I said back and walked over to Dandy.

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