Ronald Speirs

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Prompt- Speirs is sweet to you when you're alone but an ass around the guys so you make him jealous by hanging around Lieb too much

You awoke to the sound of bombs exploding in the distance. Now that you were in Europe it was common to go to sleep hearing bombs and wake up to the oh familiar sound. However you also awoke to the feeling of warmth completely encompassing you. Looking down, you recognized the arms of your hot-headed lover Ronald Speirs. Speirs and you had been together since Normandy. You were the very first female soldier to be on the front lines and he immediately wanted to protect you. Upon learning you weren't a fragile doll and you could handle yourself he fell even more in love with you.

The men noticed how comfortable you were with irritating him and they all thought you were insane, but you knew the stories flying around the men were highly exaggerated. In fact, Speirs found the scared looks he would receive from men amusing. He especially enjoyed appearing behind the men so silently that once they turned around it practically gave them a heart attack. You and Speirs relationship was perfect. Except for the tiny detail that he was a complete asshole to you around the men despite being exceptionally sweet when the two of you were alone. It confused and frustrated you to no end.

You sighed deeply and laced your boots around your feet grabbing your rifle and slinging it over your shoulder. You checked the ammo in your rifle and pistol before turning back to a drowsy Speirs. "Love come back to bed." "Sorry babe, but it's time to get up. Come on Ron." You spoke softly to him and kissed his cheek. "I love you Y/n." "I love you too."

When you exited his quarters in the small town you guys were staying in, you made sure to close the door quietly as not to draw the attention of the men. You and h were trying to keep your relationship a secret and the last thing you needed was for word to get around that you slept in Speirs quarters. The rays of sunlight warmed your skin as you stepped out into the open. Morning fog was thinning out. Glass and rocks crunched under your boots as you walked over to where Luz, Lieb, Perconte, and Doc were talking about something. As you approached they pulled up a wooden chair for you to sit on. You sat down and placed your rifle on your lap, gladly taking a smoke and light from Doc.

Doors began to open and close as men awoke and exited their quarters, yawning and stretching as they went about beginning their day. You were only half listening to the conversation as most of your mind was on Speirs. As if on cue, he walked up to your group informing you that you all would be moving out of the tiny town that you all had so easily accustomed to. A collective groan rose from your group including yourself but Speirs ignored the others. "Well if you don't appreciate it Y/l/n we can stick you in the kitchens like we would do with any other useless doll." He spat sourly at you then walked away. You knew he was only being like this because of the men but the doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

Your face pulled into a frown and Liebgott pulled you into a tight hug. "It's okay sweetheart he's like that to everyone." But he's not supposed to be like that to me. You thought silently. Speirs glanced behind him and his eyes locked onto yours. He noticed the hug you were receiving from Liebgott and glared at Liebgott's back before shooting you an apologetic look. You rolled your eyes and gave him a hard look and buried you face farther into Liebgott's shoulder. Lieb was like your big brother. He always looked out for you among the men however his closeness to you ticked Speirs off.

Speirs walked back over to the two of you and ripped you from Lieb's grasp. You heard mutterings of 'what the hell?' And you were sure Speirs heard it too but was too jealous to care. He pushed you up against the wall of a secluded alley. A fire burned lightly in his eyes as he fumed silently in front of you. He didn't speak at first. He kissed you deeply and his mouth kissed down your neck until he reached the base of it. "Mine." It was he only word he said to you before turning swiftly and departing the alley like he hadn't just manhandled you. You stood there with your mouth agape and stared after him. What the actual fuck?


You were moving out of the small English village. You sat on the truck straight across from Speirs while Lieb and Luz slept on either side of you. It was the middle of the night and you could faintly see the outline of Speirs features from the glowing moonlight. He sighed. The two of you hadn't spoken since your earlier encounter. Not even when you were alone. Speirs leaned forward in his seat as the truck rocked softly on the bumpy road. He dragged his hand down the side of his face.

"Listen sweetheart-" "Don't you dare Ronald!" You shot back venomously. "How could you say that to me? Why? Why do you love me in private but hate me every other time? Whatever I did I'm sorry!" You cried softly. The tears streamed down your face like a waterfall and Speirs' eyes softened. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you across the truck and into his lap. Shushing you quietly, he rubbed your back gently. He placed one hand on your thighs while the other one continued to rub your back.

"Why would you think you did something wrong babygirl?" "Because you're super nice to me when we're alone but an ass to me around the men. I don't understand." You whispered brokenly. He held you gently and kissed all over your face repeatedly. "I am so sorry beautiful. I just let my pride take over my feelings and then I do horrible things to the people I love. And I know that isn't and excuse, but I'll be better I promise. I'll be better for you." He kissed your lips and you snuggled deeper into his chest. Falling asleep to the soft thudding of his heart.

When you woke up again you weren't sure if it was early morning or night but you were greeted by warmth and very confused stares. Lieb looked at you strangely and raised his eyebrows. "When did that happen?" He whispered to Luz. He was trying to be quiet but close proximity was defeating the purpose of whispering. "No clue." Luz replied back quickly. You stared pointedly at both the boys. "We have been in a secret relationship for about 2 years now." You stated with a smirk. Lieb's jaw fell open. "What the fuck does it need to be secret for? We all would support you and the fucking army's got no rule against it!" He acted as if he felt betrayed but you could see the playful glint in his eye. He was happy for you.

Speirs stirred next to you in his sleep. You remembered how late it was. Or early? Shushing both of the men you settled back into Speirs who subconsciously tightened his hold around you. Smiling softly to yourself you allowed the moving truck to lull you to sleep. This moment was absolutely perfect.

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