Bill Guarnere

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Prompt- Just a cute little fluffy argument between the reader and Bill
You stared at the man across the table from you as he joked and laughed with the other men. Your face flushed and tinted pink every time he caught you looking at him and winked. This man was going to be the death of you. And you didn't mind one bit.

You smiled gently as you remembered how the two of you got together. Easy Company had just gotten their jump wings and you had been just a little tipsy. It wasnt bad but you were however drunk enough to have the hiccups. It frustrated you to no end as another hiccup interrupted your sentence and your ongoing conversation with Bill. Apparently he was not fond of your hiccups either as he sighed heavily. Suddenly he had reached across the table and his lips were on yours.

You were immediately sober and just a tad surprised, but you leaned into the kiss as butterflies settled in the pit of your stomach. "Uh Bill, what was that for?" Your voice was a small whisper and a smile played at your lips. His face had broken out into a grin. "Your hiccups are gone aren't they? Besides what better way to tell you I'm in love with you."

From that moment forward you and bill had been inseparable. Even during the entire ordeal of Normandy's scattered jumps, you two had managed to find each other, both however in the wrong DZ. "Take a picture babe. It'll last longer." Bill's voice tore you from your thoughts and you realized you had been staring at him the entire time. Bill's wink did not go unnoticed.

"Sometimes I wonder why we're together. But then-"
"You remember how much you love me?" "Well. Yes but-" Bill had cut you off again. "You think how perfect we are for each other?"
"I guess, but-"
"You remember how much you like kissing me?" You groaned in frustration, about to bang your head on the table. "Goddamnit Bill! Let me talk for fuck's sake!" Bill grinned again. "Okay, okay. No need to yell." "I was gonna say that you always pay attention to me and listen to me, but fuck." Your chair scraped loudly as you stood up to refill your cup of half drained beer. Bill's grin dropped as he watched you walk into the crowd. "Wait. Beautiful what did I say?"

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