Floyd Talbert

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Just a little fluffy one☺️
2 am. It was 2 in the morning and Floyd, for the life of him, could not figure out why you were standing by the cold open window versus in the warm bed with him. Trigger jr was at the end of the bed having woke up when you climbed from you slumber and his ears were perked in curiosity. Thoughts raced through Floyd's mind a mile a minute working find any possible reason for you to be out of bed.

Had it been a nightmare there would've been screaming. He would've definitely heard a break in. The Army made sure of that. Subconsciously, in his half asleep state, Floyd felt himself pulling on his lower lip, eyebrows pulled down into a scowl of utter confusion. "Hey sweetheart,"

You felt Floyd's hands on your hips and his breath soft on the back of your neck. "Yes dear?" You're voice trembled. "Why are you out of bed honey? You know I can't sleep without you next to me." That was true. He had mentioned many times that after being at war for so long and sleeping in cold foxholes alone, he liked holding you in his unconscious state. It reminded his brain that you were both here, in Kokomo, Indiana, safe and alive.

Every time you moved slightly or shifted from his arms, he awoke instantly. Some people thought it was clingy that he was so touchy but you found it endearing that even Sleepy Floyd, who usually didn't like anyone, wanted to be that close to you constantly. "I'm just... just thinking love. C'mon let's go back to bed." As you tried to make your way back to the bed, Floyd held you firmly in front of him. You looked up catching his eyes.

For the first time in ages, he couldn't read you. Your eyes were guarded which meant something was really, really bothering you. Hesitantly, he nudged from his spot allowing you to guide him back to bed. You figured he had decided to let it go and ask about it in the morning, but laying back down you noticed his posture was tense. There was no way in hell he was gonna be able to "just let this go."

You felt his fingers on your chin. "Y'know it's okay to cry." Despite being at full attention to every syllable that left your mouth, Floyd's words were slurred with sleep. It was after all, still 2 am. "Floyd," Your mouth was dry. It seemed that letting him know of your horrors made them seem too real. "I can't... I can't lose you." He ignored the curiosity once again and pulled your head into his chest, letting your tears soak his night shirt. "I'm not going anywhere beautiful." He spoke softly. Your reply was just incoherent and tearful blubbers so Floyd continued to just, hold you.

Floyd sighed. "You'll be the death of me doll." You shook with mixed tears and laughter. "So not funny considering the circumstances, Floyd." He chuckled lightly and you felt it reverberate through his chest, currently pressed against your face. You clutched tighter onto him. "Sorry princess." Again, Floyd lifted your eyes to meet his. "You know you've got the most beautiful eyes. Can I kiss you?" Your eyebrows furrowed and a frown settled gently on your face. "I'm sorry what? Did you just ask to kiss me?"

"Did I stutter?" Now you laughed again at him shaking your head in disbelief. "You've gotta be kidding me." "Not a chance pretty girl." "Floyd-" He cut you off with a kiss. "That's not very gentlemanly of you Mr Talbert." He flashed you a cocky yet breathtaking smirk. "I gotta tired of waiting for you to answer my question little lady. "I'm not little!" You protest crossing your arms as best you could. You were still being held close to him in his arms. Making many things difficult. "But you're so tiny compared to me."

Cocky yet again. "You know I can't remember exactly so feel free to fuck me if I'm wrong but-" "You're wrong." "I didn't even say anything yet!" "Doesn't matter you're wrong!!"

You went back over your previous sentences. You gasped. Then you were heaving with laughter. "You pervert!" Floyd felt triumphant. "Yeah but you smiled baby girl. And all that blush gives a lot away." You ducked your head from his gaze and he laughed quietly. "Aww my poor girl. How dare I?" "Shut upppp." You rolled from the bed and slid your slippers on. "Now you just sound like a moody teen." You rolled your eyes, pulling on your robe then patting Trigger jr on the head.

"Where are you going?" Ignoring his question, you made your way around the bed over to his side where you grabbed his hand and dragged him from bed. "C'mon Love, Ive got something to show you." Floyd's curiosity got the hold of him yet again. He had lost count how many times that had happened now. "Fine." He allowed to guide him down the stairs turning on the light when absolutely necessary.

When the two of you reached the kitchen, you flipped the light switch on. There on the counter was a baby onesie, bottles, diapers, and a sign that you made that said, "Whether we have a girl or a boy, I can't wait to meet our bundle of joy!" Floyd turned to you, speechless with tears brimming his eyes, threatening to fall. His mouth hung wide open and he stared at you in bewilderment. You nodded your head silently.

Then he practically collapsed onto his knees with his hands gently place on your slightly protruding stomach. He had no clue you were pregnant. He just thought that maybe you had been putting on a little extra weight. Not that he would ever say that to you. Either way he love you all the same. Even more now. He kissed your stomach and looked up with you with these big beautiful hazel eyes, shinning and bright like the stars.

His forehead came to rest on your stomach ever so slightly and you heard him whispering prayers and thanks under his breath. He finally raised himself from his knees and you caught his teary eyes. You wiped the river from his face and pulled him close. "I love you." He cried into your neck. Standing there, at 2 am, with your crying husband overflowing with joy for this new addition...

2 am's not that bad.

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