Dick Winters

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Requested by lazysam14
Prompt- In which the reader is capture by Germans and has a little fluffy but kind of sad moment with Winters
You woke up with your head pounding. You should've listened to your father, Colonel Sink, when he warned you against joining. You insisted on joining the war as anything but a nurse so he made you a paratrooper, practically begging that if you fraternized, you stuck with one man. And you did. Your ever so gentleman of a boyfriend Captain Richard Winters, C.O. of your company, Easy.

You realized now was probably not the best time to think about him as you were jarred from your thoughts by the sounds of a German conversation. You took many German classes from boredom but due to the concussion you could hear just snippets of the conversation. You were tied to a chair and the Nazis had taken you hostage. Damn Krauts. Dick was probably looking for you. However unless you could ninja yourself from the restraints, take out all of the many guards with weapons and advanced hand to hand combat training, then further magically learn to use German radios, you were stuck until he found you. If he found you.

A German has walked up to you and now stood inches from you. The smell of cheap cigarettes wafted from him. Just your luck he smelled like an old crusty ash tray around you and your already churning stomach. He smirked at you, his lips pulling up into a sadistic smile that made your nausea rise. His face came close to your own and he spoke in very broken English with a thick German accent. "Vou American? I do not know how vou are soldier. Should be in Küche making Nachwuchs."

The soldier obviously did not know much English and substituted 'kitchen' and 'offspring' with German vocabulary. Suddenly you felt an overwhelming rage toward the Germans. Even through that rage though you could not see how they could be so idiotic. Many Americans learned much of the German culture and their advancements in war before being shipped over seas, and this guy could not even speak English properly let alone think about the fact that maybe if you were a female soldier than you were obviously important to someone very high up.

Your hope for rescue started to rise. When Easy Company and your future husband found and saved you, these Germans would have hell to pay. So for now you feigned a smile leaned in to whisper into the German'a ear, "Fuck off." He tutted quietly and walked back to where his comrades were laughing, drinking, and smoking like they weren't monstrosities and instead decent human beings. You rolled your eyes as another of the Germans walked up to after speaking with you assumed was in charge.

"Do vou speak Deutsche?" When you didn't respond he shrugged his shoulders lightly and continued in broken English. "Vhat are vou doing 'ere?" Once again you ignored him. His hand came sharply down onto your cheek. Being the Colonel's daughter you were trained for interrogation not torture.
Torture continued for hours. Days even. It was always the same questions: Who are you? What are you doing here? How are you a soldier? All of which were spoken in a language you could barely identify as English. It was more hybrid English-German. Your uniform was covered in blood and your face cut open. After the first day you began to loose hope that Dick would find you. Now on the fifth day, you were positive he and Easy had been redeployed in some other frog town.
The men of Easy Company watched as their Commander slowly lost his mind. His girl had been captured by Germans. It also didn't help hat she was Colonel Sink's daughter so many of the higher ups were on his ass about finding her. However Dick could not help but be thankful that Easy was tasked with finding her. He did not know if he would be able to handle sitting by and watching somebody else do it whilst he was restrained and helpless. But now, five days after her capturing, he was going insane.

No man in Easy Company had ever seen him like this. He didn't sleep, he barely ate. They only saw him if he was checking with the squads and platoons for updates on the search. If not that then he was scouring the woods and lands near them for clues, not that he could stray too far from the Company, or he was holed up in his quarters going over every possible place she could be. That's where he was now. His eyes boring into the maps strewn across his desk, fully aware of the many unopened letters from Colonel Sink, encouraging him to find her as soon as possible. He would deal with the lectures and letters after he found you. Right now he just didn't have the time. Not to mention the motivation.

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