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1. Who's the cuddler?
Your. He never passes up an opportunity to hold his lover in his arms and just be with him.

2. Who makes the bed?
Neither. Their bed remains messy for 98.9% of the time.

3. Who wakes up first?
Luz. He gets up early as a bird, getting everything ready for the day. Making sure the coffee is made. ( Joe won't get up without it)

4. Who has the weird taste in music?
Joe. He's oddly into Opera. A little unusual to George but hey, whatever makes the man happy.

5. Who's more protective?
George. Joe likes to say it's him but since Bastogne, Joe can't do much. God forbid anyone say anything to Joe about anything that happened in the way, George will lose his shit.

6. Who sings in the shower?
George. Joe will often walk into the bathroom, into the shower with all of his clothes on, just to throw something at his lover. Gently, of course.

7. Who cries during movies?
Joe. Sometimes they just get to him. Except the old war movies. Always, always, turn those off.

8. Who spends the most money when shopping?
George. Just fudging a little turns in to fifty dollars reallly quickly.

9. Who kisses rougher?
Joe. He gets this first passion. When it comes, it doesn't stop.

10. Who's more dominate? (Opt. Just say no 10 if you don't want to include it)
Joe. He absolutely HAS to be on top. George, well, he doesn't object.

11. My rating of the ship 1-10?/ what I think of the ship?/ do I ship it?
8/10. I believe that they're cute. I could possibly see the chemistry. I definitely feel more strongly for other pairings though. Nixon and Winters as an example.

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