Eugene Roe

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Baby Story -


You sat quietly in the rocking chair on the back porch of the Roe household watching Gene interact with his siblings. Gene's mother, who insisted you call her Mama, sat right next to you recounting countless stories of Gene growing up. "Eugene always had a knack for caring for people. Whenever one of his siblings, older or younger, seemed to injure themselves Eugene was always the one patching them up. He scolded those little rascals more than I did." You chuckled gently and smiled. That did sound like your Genie. Placing a hand on your swollen belly, you began to recall how you ended up in this situation.

It all started at this very house. Actually, it all started in a nice little home in Berchtesgaden, V-E Day...


You and Lipton had been dragged along with none other than Dick Winters to deliver some "good news" to the officers. You couldn't lie about being curious although you were a little ticked off to have to push back your date with Gene. Dick, being your best friend, was, of course, aware of this date and apparently decided to pay no mind to your personal life's boundaries. Not exactly in the best of moods, you hopped from the jeep and followed him into Hitler's Eagle Nest, stomping and scowling the whole way with Lipton trailing behind.

The smell of liquor and cigarettes hit you as soon as you walked out onto the balcony. Whatever news this was had better be worth it, cause Speirs would absolutely kill you if you told anyone about his "adorable drunken puppy phase". And with the most innocent look on his face, boy were you gonna tell people. Another close friend of yours, Lewis Nixon, winked at you, clarifying that he had photographic evidence to back up the statements the two of you would be spreading tomorrow. You would at least wait until he was sober enough to process the embarrassment.

You hadn't noticed you had spaced out until you were pulled from your thoughts by a drunk Harry stumbling up to Dick with a bottle of liquor clutched firmly in his hand. "C'mon have a drink. Jus' so's we can say we saw you do it," He held the bottle out to Winters who just grinned. You chuckled lightly knowing full well Dick had only tried liquor once or twice in his life and positively hated it. Dick spared a glance at me, then at Lipton. What the hell is going on?

"Listen up. From Corps, just came in. 'All troops stand fast on present positions'," He paused momentarily. Harry stood straight up jokingly as if sizing up to Dick. Lew mumbled something that sounded along the lines of 'Standing fast' but what really caught your attention once again was drunk Speirs. "What does that mean?" He looked genuinely confused and you were dying of laughter. Yes, you would be late for your date, but Genie was gonna love this story.

"Wanna hear it? Ready? Listen up," Once again he paused for dramatic effect holding a cocky smirk on his face. You groaned quietly and he shot you a childish smile. It was the lightest you had seen him since before the war in your little town in Pennsylvania, as newly graduated seniors. "The German Army surrendered." Your jaw physically dropped open. Lew's hands came to rest at his side as he sat up. Harry's smile washed away and Speirs seemed to have sobered up almost immediately.

Coming to your senses you let out the loudest squeal ever and launched yourself into the arms of your best friend. Dick caught you, laughing loudly himself and squeezed you back. It was the loosest any of them had ever seen him. At least for the moment, you were ignorant of the problems still raging in the pacific and were going home. Finally.


Dick had a present for Lew and dropped you off at the place of your date before speeding off, Lew in the car with him, sunglasses on his face and Vat 69 in his hand. Gene looked up as soon as your feet hit the ground and walked towards you from the little picnic he had set up. You gave him a million-dollar smile and crashed into him. Now you laid in the green grass of the Austrian field, straddling your lover and grinning down brightly at him.

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