Lewis Nixon

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Song fic
He comforts you after a bad breakup
"You're trembling"
Should I start titling these?

And another one bites the dust
Oh why can I not conquer love

The liquor burns your throat as it travels down. However now you had become numb to all pain. You had to admit it didn't feel like what you had thought. What you had heard. Maybe it was because he cheated or maybe it was because you left a toxic engagement before you made the wrong decision and married him. What would you have done then? Divorced him? It's not like it wasn't ever good...

And I might've got to be with one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons


And I want it, I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags

You're at an amusement park with your boyfriend (now ex) Chris. He's chasing you around and your laughing as you run from his outstretched hands. He catches up to you and you guys collide. Immediately he starts tickling you. You're both smiling and he leans in to kiss you. A little girl walks up to you and asks if you were an undercover princess. Smiling you tell her yes and hand her the flower from your hair. She runs off. Chris' hands land on your waist. "You'll make a beautiful mother to our children."


And another one bites the dust
Let's be clear I'll trust no one

Well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

As you remember that summer day, a fresh wave of tears runs down your cheeks and a knife runs through your chest. Your heart. Clenching pain in your heart doesn't make the situation any better. Neither does the alcohol but how else were you supposed to clear your head. Nothing but the Vat 69 you found in Lewis' home. Lewis Nixon, your best friend, had been pushing you to leave him. Although you never really understood why. Your guys' other best friend, Dick Winters, claimed it was because he liked you. But there was no way. Right?

Im like a rubber band until you pull too hard
But I may snap when I move close

You can hear the phone go off in the other room. It's probably Lew ringing you to tell you off for stealing his liquor. You don't answer it. It rings again and again. Soon you can't distinguish the ringing of the phone between the ringing in your head. And then it stops. And the only thing you hear is the shattering of your heart falling a thousand feet to the floor.

You won't see me you me fall apart

You don't remember hitting the floor but that's where you are now. The first bottle almost empty. You're already reaching for the next bottle in the case. The tears don't stop. And your clothes are soaked. A little puddle sits on the hardwood floors of your house and you swear you can see your memories. After a little while you've had your fourth bottle and it starts to go to your head. You stand up walking through the house. As you travel along the hallways you smash every picture frame with him in it and destroy everything you saw that held a memory with him.

Cause I've got an elastic heart

It starts thundering outside, matching the gloom inside you. Glass crunches under your feet and digs deep into them. Even though you can see the blood, you feel nothing. The bottle your holding rockets toward the wall. Glass flies everywhere and Vat 69 ends up covering the floor. It drowns and ruins the pictures on the floor that had fallen from their smashed frames. You wished you could drown your feelings that easily. Walking into the kitchen your anger is released on all of the dishes the two of you received as engagement gifts. Porcelain and china saucers, cups, plates, and bowls end up all in pieces on the floor.

And I will stay up through the night

You slide down sitting against the kitchen counters and crying. Drinking yet another bottle that had appeared miraculously into your hand. You don't hear the car pull up. Or the knocking on the door. Your ears seem to be also immune to the sound of your door being kicked in. Lewis Nixon comes running into the kitchen. "What the hell happened here? Do you understand how worried I've been?" He walks to sit next to you. "Budge over." Then he notices your bloody feet and tear tracks. He wanted to close his eyes and forget.

Let's be clear won't close my eyes

He crouches in front of you. "Where's Chris?" A fresh wave starts yet again. You collapse into the strong and warm grasp of your best friend. "You're trembling," He glances around and notices the empty bottles of Vat 69 and the almost empty case of it. "Jesus Christ were you trying to give yourself alcohol poisoning." He holds you tighter. His hands start rubbing your back in subconscious movements.

And I know that I can survive

"Anything to take the edge off." He pulls back staring blankly into your face. "What did you say? Do you know what it would do to me if you died?" Tears started falling from his eyes as well. Lewis Nixon could not handle the thought of your death. "Why do you even care? Just leave like Chris did. You're going to eventually anyways..." His jaw clenched. He did NOT need to lose his cool when you were in this state.

I walked through fire to save my life

"I will NEVER leave you. You, Y/n Y/l/n, are the girl that I want to marry. I want you to meet my parents and I wanna meet yours. I want to propose to you. I want to say I do to you. I want you to carry my children. You are my entire world. Don't you want that? That life with me." His voice was breaking. "I do want that. I want my life so bad. But I'm not good for you. I'm damaged goods." His heart actually shattered. Maybe you could hear it.

And I'm doing everything I can

"Baby what happened?" "Chris cheated. It hurts so bad Lew." He clutched you closer. He was going to shoot his ass. Finally that army paratrooper training would come in handy. "What am I gonna do. I can't stay here Lewis..." He spoke without having to think about it. "You can stay with me."

Then another one bites the dust
It's hard to lose a chosen one

"I can't do that to you and your parents." A deep chuckle resonated through his chest. "My mother has been waiting for me to bring you home since before the war. Besides you can get some of Mrs. Nixon's best lasagna." You buried deeper into his hold and kissed his chest in thanks. "You're gonna be okay. You've got an elastic heart."

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