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By BexieID

Arriving in the ED together holding hands, Dylan kissed Anna gently on the lips. It had been a week since the “boat incident” and neither of them had heard from David.

“Anna, I need a consult in cubicle six when you’re ready.”

Anna smiled at Robyn, who was waiting for her. She was grateful that no one left her alone, in case David appeared. But she was becoming frustrated having a continuous escort. She couldn’t even go to the bathroom alone.

Dylan could see her frustration. “I love you,” he whispered, before she finally followed Robyn. He headed for the Consultants office upstairs. Sitting at his desk, he finished the proposal on maggot therapy. He had already been given the space to cultivate them. He just needed more patients willing to try it.

Heading to the “maggot room,” Dylan smiled as he saw Anna with one of her colleagues from the ward. She blew him a kiss as he waved at her. He smiled, glad she seemed happy. Albeit on the outside. He knew that behind closed doors, she was still understandably upset and scared about what happened with David.


Dylan was in his element in the maggot room. He revelled in this kind of research and enjoyed working alone like this. He was surprised when the door opened and someone came in. “I’ll be with you in a moment.” He assumed it was one of department heads wanting to see the maggots first hand, so finished what he was doing.

“Take your time…..Dr Keogh…..I have plenty of it after all.”

Dylan stilled. He recognised that voice. He knew the blow was about to happen, seeing David’s reflection in the plastic boxes containing the larvae. He tried moving out of the way, but he wasn’t quick enough, the bat David was holding winding him enough, so that David could push him to the floor.

“I did tell you once that there was another side to me that you wouldn’t like. You did see him briefly before, but that was nothing compared to what I am now. If you want to keep Anna alive, you’ll do what you are told.” Dylan nodded as David pulled him up by his hair. “Good. First thing is, I want you to leave her. In fact, when I leave you now, I want you to walk out of here, go to the boat, pack your bags and leave Holby. I can’t have her if you’re around.”

“She doesn’t want you David. She wants me.”

“Why would she want an alcoholic? The grown man who is still afraid of his father? She needs a real man.”

“And you think she wants you? You held her against her will. You raped her….that is unforgivable.”

“I don’t care. She’s mine, not yours.”

“Anna is not a possession David!”

“I still don’t care.” David produced a vial out of his bum bag. I’ll let you sleep it off, but if you’re still on the boat in the morning, let’s just say you won’t like what will happen.”

Dylan looked up helplessly as David stuck the needle in his arm, his body feeling sluggish as the drug took hold, David’s face the last thing he saw.


David smiled as he was about to leave the room. He’d ripped open Dylan’s shirt, placing dead maggots over his chest to spell out the words: ANNA WILL ALWAYS BE DAVIDS

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