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It had been 6 weeks since Anna had managed to escape. With help from her friends, colleagues and Dylan, she was ready to go back to work.

Walking into the ED, Dylan by her side, she was greeted with cheers and plenty of hugs. Dylan went up to the mental health ward with Anna, making sure she was settled. "I will be up at 1pm. Just think, by this evening, it will all be over." anna hugged Dylan "I love baby" "i love you too beautiful"

Anna went over the paperwork, Suzanne was on clinical, only coming to Anna if necessary. She found it hard to concentrate, her mind wandering to the hearing later that afternoon. She had given evidence via video, too scared to face David, but today she would come face to face as he was sentenced.

All too soon "Anna, its time" Anna looked up at Dylan and nodded. Grabbing her things they left the hospital and headed for the court. "I'm glad we are both on staged return to work and on the same shift pattern. Certainly makes me feel happier" Dylan smiled "yes, I feel better knowing you and flump are safe"

Anna and Dylan took their seats in the court. Anna holding Dylan's hand tightly when David was brought out. The judge spoke "Mr Hide, the psychiatric report states you were going through a psychotic episode, delusions. You firmly believed that you were in a loving relationship with Miss Ramsay. You were not of sound mind. That has been taken into consideration. However, you held her against her will and forced yourself on her sexually. I herby sentence you to 8 years in a specialist psychiatric unit. Court dismissed" they watched as David was led away.

Outside in the car they hugged and cried. "I can't hate him, I should but he wasn't himself. I asked him about his meds and he got defensive" Dylan sighed "I will never forgive him for what he put you through, put us through but like you I can't hate him"  Anna stroked his face "Well Dylan, we are free to enjoy life. We have a wedding to plan, a house to decorate and a little person on the way. Maybe we should do some work in between" they laughed. "let's go home"

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