Be Brave

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By BexieID

Anna was sat in the staff room with Robyn, wondering where Dylan had got to. “Knowing Dylan, he’s been too absorbed in the creepy maggots to have realised the time.”

“Should I go up and check on him?”

“Let me finish my lunch and we’ll go together.”


Outside the maggot room, they saw that the lights were all off and the door was locked.

“Not here,” Robyn breathed a sigh of relief.

Anna wasn’t so sure. “Call it gut instinct but I think he’s still inside.” She took out the spare key he’d given her and unlocked the door.

Switching the light on as she the opened the door, the room looked fine. No Dylan. She stepped inside and saw Dylan unconscious on the floor. Robyn hurried past, seemingly forgetting the room was full of maggots.

“My goodness,” she exclaimed, as she read what had been written with dead maggots across Dylan’s chest: ANNA WILL ALWAYS BE DAVIDS

Anna was in tears, touching Dylan’s face, thinking he was dead.

“There’s a pulse. We need to call security and get some help. Anna, he needs you to be brave right now.”

Anna nodded. Taking one last look at Dylan before she went to get help. Fortunately, she didn’t have to go far, as Connie and Jacob were walking towards the stairs.

“Mrs Beauchamp!” Jacob rushed over, as Anna collapsed into his arms. “Maggots…..” Jacob lay Anna down on nearby chairs, he and Connie both entering the maggot room.

“What happened?”

“We think he’s been attacked by David, judging by the message.”

“Right, get a photo for evidence and let’s get him down to the ED.”


As soon as the lift door opened, Connie and Robyn went straight through to small resus with Dylan, Jacob following, carrying Anna in his arms. Sitting Anna down at the workstation just outside, she woke up.

“How is he?”

“Connie is checking him over now.” Jacob held her hand. “I’m sure he’ll be okay.”

“Can I see him?”

Jacob went into small resus. Connie was still going through her primary survey.

“Jacob, can you help Robyn roll him onto his side please?”

They could see the bruise where he was hit with the bat.

“Okay, I’m going to send him for a CT. I’m guessing he’s been given a mild sedative, which should wear off be itself. Half hourly obs please Robyn. I’ll speak to Anna.”


Anna had her palm on the door to small resus. Charlie had brought her over some tea, which sat untouched on the desk where he had left it. She didn’t even realise Connie had come through the adjacent door until she heard her.

“Anna, we’re sending him up to CT shortly. David must have given him a mild sedative like he did when he took you.” Connie held her hand. “I’m going to need to speak to security and the police. Someone must surely have seen him come into the hospital. Go and sit with him. He’ll want to see you’re okay when he wakes up.”

Anna nodded. “Thank you.”

Bracing herself, Anna pushed open the door, heading towards the man she loved. The man whose child she was carrying. The man who kept getting hurt because of her. She took his hand in hers, sitting on the chair next to the bed. Jacob and Robyn both smiled at her as they went about their checks. Looking down at Dylan, who had been dressed in a gown, she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Robyn came over, giving her a hug. “It’s all my fault.”

“It’s David’s fault. Not yours.”

“He doesn’t know what he’s doing!”

“I think that message he left on Dylan proves otherwise Anna.”

Anna didn’t believe her. All she knew right now was that she had to get away. To save Dylan.

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