February 27th, 2014

27 1 0

Hey Nel,

Nothing interesting has really happened lately. 

Rosie is such a sweet heart and is like my little sister.

I wonder if I ever felt this way with you...

Anyway, for some reason today I was feeling totally philosophical and had a few things I just need to clear from my mind.

First is religion. We used to be such goodie goodie two shoe Christians, but after the war had began we lost our faith.  I think we stopped believing in the old God.  I was thinking about religion impacts the world.  Some countries have theocracies, government led or based on religion this is mainly in Islamic countries, however. Many countries are struggling with not mixing their politics with their own personal beliefs.  Take America for example.  We have issues with deciding what's ethical.  It gets really bad with gay marriage and abortion. I personally don't understand why people shouldn't be aloud to love each other, it may be against our old religion in a way, but it goes against all the we have learned from it at the same time.  I personally think abortion should be kept legalized.  People have the rights over their own bodies, government should not take charge of our bodies.

Sorry, got a little bit off track there.  As I was going to say, I don't know what to believe in anymore. I just don't believe that there's a God above us in heaven.  What's happening is down on earth, so we can't worry about pleasing this 'God'.  I've been wondering where you went after you passed.  Did you go to heaven? You surely couldn't have gone to hell... I hope... you must have been doing more things behind our backs if you are in hell... Perhaps you're in the deep depths of the underworld, awaiting the fate of your soul in Asphodel, in a line for Hades that goes on forever.

Going back to the thought of there being no God, I always wondered if anyone else felt the same way. I've never asked.

Okay, so I'm done with my rant. Update time, so we're about 25 miles away from Canada. TWENTY FREAKING FIVE MILES, ISN'T THAT INSANE? We had to rest for a couple days, some of these places have extremely high altitude and supplies are running lower. We are so close to reaching our goal, El, so close.  We're almost there, but lately in the night we had been hearing voices and the occasional scream.  Perhaps there are other refugees.  Maybe the new government is after us.

We may be just about to find out.



A/N: I know, this chapter sucks :/ but big event about to come up, so please keep following and waiting next week for the next chapter. 

I'm so tired right now, I had to go swimming then go on a run. :L gah. So exhausted.

Thanks to everyone for reading, voting, and fanning :)

Next chapter will be posted next Thursday


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