-Past is past, forget it-

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"Y/n?... Hueningkai?.."


"Kazuki!" I called

He sat beside me and next to him was Yonna

"This is Kazuki,. Kazuki, Hueningkai, Hueningkai, Kazuki " I introduced them to each other

"Oh! You're that dude!, sup bruv" he chuckled

"Kazuki, so, what's your back story?" Kai asked

His obviously shock about the sudden question but tried to hide it, though it's clear

"You don't have to know, I don't want to talk about that" he replied trying not to be rude

"Come on, it's just a back story" Hueningkai insisted

"IF YOU WANT TO KNOW BADLY THEN FINE!" He said as he slammed his hands on the table, surprising us, I've never seen him explode like this

"ME and Y/N, are the only two childhood friends, we always hang out, play with each other's toys, go to the park and all those stuff, I WAS WITH HER IN HER WHOLE LIFE, when she got into an ACCIDENT WHEN she 14 I was with her, taking care of her and helping her remember all about our fun childhood, and I don't want seeing her hurt or anything. Our parents are highschool friends so that's why we're so close." He said with an angry tone

"Kazuki" I said "No need to explode, he's just asking" he looked down and without a word he stood up and walked away with his bag

"I'll go follow him" Yonna said, I nodded in response and she ran to the direction of where Kazuki went

"Uhm.. I'm sorry for what he said, he's never like this" I said

He smiled "it's ok, I understand"

The bell rang indicating use that recess was over

"I have to go to music class" I stood up grabbed my bag and headed over to my next class


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