-Math class-

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I ran all the way to math class and brushed open the door and saw a vacant seats between Soobin and Taehyun

I walked and sat down placing my bag infront of me.

"Thank God I'm not late" I muttered to myself between pants

"Anything happend?" Soobin asked out of nowhere

"Why do you ask?"

"You're breathing heavily and you seemed like you're running all the way here like some dogs are chasing you" He explained

I chuckled and shook my head 'no'

"I'm fine" I said and took out my math book and read it

It's been 10 mins. And the teacher is not yet around

"Hey, y/n" Taehyun tapped my shoulder
"Hm?" I said not taking my focus off the book
"Mind explaining it to me?, I'm really not that good in this subject"

'This is a complicated one and I'm guessing it's gonna be a long explanation' I thought and explained it anyway to him.

Yeonjun then joined in and Soobin helped me in explaining.

The teacher came in "So class, we won't be having any discussion this time, because all of the teachers have been call for your upcoming school Games or what they call Intramurals" Mrs. Lee announced making us cheer

"Quiet, sit down everyone I'm not yet finish" she instructed and we immediately did "So since there's no class I won't be giving you any homework or project, just take a rest for the upcoming games, ok?, that's all, you're all dismissed" YESSS! !!

"And you're all instructed to go home cuz' it an early dismissal" she smiled and went out

'Thank heavens!!, no math!!'

"Hey! We're having a sleep over, want to join?" Yeonjun asked
"Can I bring 2 of my friends?, Kazuki and Yonna?"
The three nodded
I smiled at their response.

"Thank you, now let's go and find them." I said as I grab my bag and run out of the room.

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