You hurt me (pt.5) ~ Peter Parker

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7:00 pm the next day

"Where the hell is she?!" Peter said very worried, and pacing back and forth. "I really don't know, she would be late from a sleepover but not for dinner, she loves food to much." "Let's call Adrianna's mom to see where she is." Peter says running to grab his phone.

Phone Call:

Adrianna's mom: Hello?
Peter: Hello it's me Peter
Adrianna's mom: Oh Hello Peter What may I help you with."
Peter: We wanted to know if Y/n is in her way back from your house.
Adrianna's mom: What are you talking about. Y/n didn't stay over. She wasn't even here.
Peter: WHAT! Can you bring Adrianna on the phone.
Adrianna's mom: Yes, no problem. One moment please
Adrianna: Hello?
Peter: Hey it's Peter I wanted to know if Y/n came over or anything. Did you see her at school?
Adrianna: No she wasn't at school, she told me that she has the flu so she couldn't go to school.
Peter: Umm thank you anyway goodbye.
Phone call ends:

"What are we going to do?! Y/n is missing!" Peter said almost screaming. "Alright Peter it's going to be okay, we will find y/n" Aunt May said. Peter nodded his head. "We will call the police." Aunt May said.

11:30 pm

"I'm sorry y/n, I will find you, even if it's the last thing I will do." Peter whispered to himself. He was looking at the moon while he was on patrol.

Meanwhile in a warehouse in Queens.

"Let me go, you big man pigeon!" You say tied against the device. You had cuts and bruises covering your body. "First off it's Vulture and I guess you didn't learn your lesson, I think you need another session." Vulture said. "NO PLEASE NO!" You scream at the top of your lungs and scream once more.

Back in the apartment of Queens

Peter's POV

I jolted when I thought I heard a scream. Not just any scream. Y/n's scream. I rush over to the Avengers tower. I need to let Mr Stark know that I need help to find Y/n.

"Mr Stark please help me." I'm begging Mr Stark. "Ok kid, since Y/n is a sweet girl." Mr Stark said. I say with a confused face, "How do you know?" "I've personally met her but I don't know if she knows me."

Then all of a sudden I get a call on my watch. It's unknown. I answered with my mask on and the hologram came up.

It was Vulture

"Hello Spider-Man, I picked someone up on my way home. Y/n say hi" Vulture says over the hologram. I see y/n tied up to a device. "Y/N are you okay. I'm coming to get you." I say over the phone not knowing if she could hear me or not. "I'm okay, don't save me I'll be fine." She says clearly in pain but tries not to show it.

"I won't hurt her if you tell me who your identity is." Vulture replies laughing. "DON'T DO IT SPIDER-MAN!" I hear Y/n scream. Vulture picks up a burning rod and inches it towards Y/n. "Who is Spider-Man?!" Vulture yells at my little sister. "I'LL NEVER TELL YOU!" She yells back at him. I feel so guilty she won't tell my identity even though I was horrible to her.

He puts the burning rod on her collarbone yelling, "WHO IS SPIDER-MAN!!!!" "I'll tell you but please stop hurting her!" I yell at him and he yanks the rod off of her. "Who are you?" Vulture asks. "I'll tell you but only if you give her back to me, where are you?" I tell him. "At the old warehouse." He says. "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

10 minutes later

Peter busted through the wall.
"Hello Vulture."
"Hello Spider-Man."

To be continued....

Tom Holland/Peter Parker Imagines Book 1Where stories live. Discover now