Kidnapped ~ Peter Parker

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Y/f/s ~ your favorite sport
Warning: Death

You were walking down the street back home at 10:56 pm. You had y/f/s practice. You were majoring it in college. And you were making your way back to campus. And you would have drove but your car is in the shop. You were texting Peter at the same time though. It's pretty quiet this late in Queens. Peter kept sending you text and sending cute emojis like: ❤️😂🥰

You'd giggle every couple of text. Then you heard footsteps behind you. You look back and don't see anything. You continued to walk until the footsteps got louder and louder and you ran faster and even faster.

Until out of no where someone tackled you in an alleyway. You dropped your phone while they got you. Some tall man dressed in black covered your mouth. You squirm a little bit in his grasp. "Do we call him right now or after we get there?" Another guy dressed in black asked, while picking up your phone. "When we get there, and do you have the gun?" The man holding you said. The man nodded

You tried fighting them it wasn't working they were to strong. They opened the back of a white van. The one that wasn't holding you grabbed some ropes, and tied them with your hands behind your back.

They threw you in the van. Your back hitting the floor with with a loud bang. "umm OW!" You say, still trying to escape the ropes. They shut the door and start driving.

35 minutes later

The guys open the doors and pick you up and throw you over their shoulders. You try screaming for help but you it was to late at night for anyone to hear you apparently. When the went inside to what it looks like a deserted building. They went into an elevator and with to the roof.

After you make it to roof they let to free off the ropes and you tried running even though they didn't run after you. You stopped at the edge of the building with an afraid look on your face. You had nowhere to go. You were trapped.

Then someone else came on the roof it was a woman. She had a mask on too. She walked up to you, then ripped off the mask. That face was too familiar from high school.

"Liz!" You scream. Looking at the face of the girl who was your fake friend from high school. She walked closer. "Oh great, you remember me." She said with a smirk on her face. And pulled out a gun.

"Woah, woah, woah!" You said. "Why am I here and why is there a gun in your hand?!" You spoke again. "You stole someone from me and your dating him right now!" She screamed and put the gun up in your direction. "You didn't even want him, you chewed him up and spit him out. Don't get mad at me because you blew it!" You argued back.

She got angry and shot at your lower abdomen. You went down clutching your abdomen and seeing blooding come out of your body. She picked up your phone and called Peter.

Phone Call:
Peter: Hey baby are you close yet?
Liz: If you want to see your precious girlfriend again meet us at the abandoned tower at the end of the city.
Peter: Who are you and what have you done with Y/n?!
Liz: How about you ask her yourself

Liz put the phone on speaker so you could hear.

Peter: Baby are you okay! Please answer me!
You: I'm fine don't come I'll be fine.

*Gunshot* *your scream*

Liz: I wouldn't believe her she is fine now but if you don't hurry she will lose a lot of blood.
Peter: Fine I'm on my way!
Liz: See you then Spider-Man....
Phone Call ends:

20 minutes later

Peter lands on the building in his Spider-Man suit and sees your bleeding body and tries to run towards you but is cut of by Liz and her helpers.

"LIZ?!" Peter says. Looking at his ex. "Why do you have her?" He asks through greeted teeth. "I know it's you Peter and you put my father behind bars and your going to pay. Liz says and slowly walks towards you again. But Peter is barricaded from her guards.

Your vision is blurry, and your trying your best to stay awake. Liz grabs you by your bloody shirt to when you stand up. And hangs you over the edge of the building.

You reach behind and grab her by her hair. And tackle her to the ground. And try to push her off the edge but she's doing the same. Liz's guards try to run to us but Peter started fighting them.

After Peter defeated the guards he tries to run to you and Liz. But you and Liz fall off you building. Peter jumps down to save you. He didn't care if he lost is life. He just wanted you safe.

"If I'm going down, your going down with me!" Liz screams. Peter was running out of time and you were running out of building. You kick Liz and got her off you body. Peter is so close to grabbing you. But it's to late. You and Liz hit the concrete. He lands softly and runs to you. A crowd forms around you from all the noise and the gunshots someone calls the ambulance.

He pushes Liz out the way. And picks up your back and cradles you in his arms. "No Y/n! Please open your eyes. Please I can't lose you please please please wake up. Wake up!!! It was to late. He knew you were dead. And he cried and cried he lost you. And he was never the same.

The End

Sorry I didn't give you a happy ending this time. Love you❤️

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