Porosity, Permeability, and Capillary Action

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Nate tried to stay away.  He really, really did.  He managed to go through all of Monday without more than a few glances at the bakery.  He sat in his office, feeling absolutely miserable, trying to focus on the pile of papers in front of him, but his eyes kept moving towards the window, hoping to see a glimpse of Garrett, but knowing he wouldn't.  Knowing that if he wanted to see him, he had to go find him.  And he couldn't.

But when he arrived at the office again on Tuesday and was greeted by his father being annoyed at him for no particular reason other than Nate's existence.  And as for the rest of the day, when Walter spent a good part of the morning discussing the latest law Indiana had come up with to avoid gay people getting married and throwing discreet, yet pointedly disgusting looks at him.  And when, once again, his dad told him all the work he had done for one of the cases was wrong, even though Nate knew for a fact there was not a single mistake in it.  That's when he knew he couldn't hold back anymore.  He needed Garrett.  And the intensity with which he needed him was pretty scary.

So as soon as he could escape, he crossed the street to the bakery and pushed the door open, feeling comfort just by stepping inside and smelling the delicious scents of the food Garrett made.  Garrett was behind the counter, there was a line of customers waiting and just as soon as Nate saw Garrett's smile he felt the tension of the day melting away.  He stepped in line to wait.

After a couple of minutes, Garrett moved from behind the counter to get a cake that was in one of the displayers and saw Nate.  His smile became brighter than it already was and, when he was making his way back with the cake to put in a box for his customer, he grabbed his hand to pull him.

"What are you doing there, silly?" He asked softly.

"Um, waiting like the rest of the customers?" Nate asked, wondering how it was possible that just a little hand holding could numb half of his brain cells.

"You still think you're just one of my customers?" Garrett replied playfully and he would've noticed how Nate gaped at his words if it weren't because he was already busy looking for a box of the right size to put the cake in.

Nate leaned against the counter and watched Garrett as he worked.  Something warm flowed inside of him, knowing he was more special to Garrett than all the other people standing in the store waiting for their coffees or baked goods.  It made him feel good after being treated like nothing but garbage by his father.

"Everything alright?" Garrett asked after saying goodbye to a customer, turning briefly to look at him as he poured a cup of coffee for the next one.  "You're awfully quiet."

"Just thinking," Nate did his best to smile.  It wasn't that hard, considering just being next to Garrett gave him more happiness than anything else in his life.  "And you're busy."

Garrett poured out a second cup before moving back to the counter to finish with the customer.  He handed it to Nate.  "Here, at least have some coffee while you wait."

"Thanks," Nate took it and tried to ignore the way his whole body shivered when their fingers brushed unintentionally.

It took another ten minutes until he was completely free and, with a tired sigh, he turned back to look at Nate.  "Hey."

Nate grinned at him.  "Hey."

"Are you hungry?  Do you want me to make you something to eat?" Garrett asked immediately.

Nate had to laugh at that.  "You know, Garrett, I don't actually come over only for your food."

Garrett's eyes sparkled and his voice was softer than ever when he spoke again.  "Then why do you come over?"

A Cross Examination of a Disgrace and Syrup with HoneyWhere stories live. Discover now