Falling in Love and How to Cope with it

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It took him a whole minute to remember why he was waking up in a bed that wasn't his, but as soon as he recalled the events of the day before a lazy, sleepy smile spread on Nate's lips.


He was here because of Garrett.

The sounds of the morning started to reach his ears. He thought he heard Robert barking outside and a clash of dishes and voices probably coming from the kitchen. With a quick glance to his phone on the bedside table, he checked the time and found himself unable to remember the last time he had slept until nine. He got out of bed and stretched, ignoring the chills that came from leaving all the warm blankets and searched in his overnight bag for his toiletries and clothes.

Fifteen minutes later, he was walking down the stairs, showered, dressed and with his hair styled. The smell of food reached him as soon as he put a foot on the floor.

He stopped in the doorway, looking into the kitchen. Dana and Garrett were there, almost dancing around each other as they moved from the countertops, to the stove, to the fridge. Dana was still in her pajamas and bathrobe, but Garrett was dressed in what looked like thick black leggings and a tight grey sweater that hugged him almost sinfully. He had a red apron on, but somehow that didn't ruin his outfit at all.

Dana spotted Nate when she turned around to check something she had in the oven. "Well, good morning, sunshine!"

Nate smiled softly. "Good morning, Dana."

"Hey," Garrett's smile grew wider when he saw him. He abandoned the bowl he was mixing something in on the counter and came to him, stopping just a couple of steps away. "How did you sleep?"

"Great, actually," he couldn't take his eyes off of Garrett, as if nothing else existed in the kitchen, in the house, in the world. "How about you?"

"Mm, amazing. I always forget how comfortable my bed is," Garrett answered with a dreamy tone and then both just stared at each other for a few second, not saying anything, as if neither could remember what words were for.

Dana laughed softly and then cleared her throat breaking the spell. She seemed embarrassed when they both snapped out of whatever trance they were in and looked at her, almost surprised to find her there. "Uh, I-I think I'm gonna go get dressed. You two look so good, I feel bad."

Before either of them could reply, Dana was kissing both of their cheeks and leaving the kitchen quickly. Garrett and Nate turned back to face each other and Nate was pleased to see Garrett had a slight blush on his pale skin because he knew he was blushing too.

Then Garrett cleared his throat too. "I made pancakes for breakfast."

Nate's stomach growled, which made Garrett laugh. "Do you ever stop cooking?"

"Rarely," Garrett seemed to take a deep breath to gather some courage and then grabbed Nate's hand to take him to the table. Nate's body immediately responded to the touch, his fingers curling around his tightly, his heart speeding up inside his chest.

Nate sat down, but regretted it immediately when Garrett let go of his hand to get the stack of pancakes that were next to the stove so they would stay warm. "That looks fantastic."

"They're my brother's favorites, so you better eat up before he gets here," Garrett laughed. Nate started pouring syrup on his pancakes and Garrett took mugs from the cupboard.

Nate actually made a noise when the pancakes were in his mouth. "Is there anything you cook that isn't delicious? Oh my God, Garrett."

Garrett slid a cup of coffee across the table towards Nate as he sat down in front of him with his own. "Of course not, I'm flawless," he said with an irritated huff and a roll of his eyes, which were sparkling.

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