Cue the Beat Drop

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Nate woke up late the next morning in Garrett's room and he couldn't find the other man in the bed next to him.  Glancing at the clock, he realized Garrett was probably at the bakery already, so he got up, took a quick shower and then joined him downstairs.

It was still raining, but there were a few more customers than the previous day.  Only one look at Garrett's face told Nate he was feeling overwhelmed.

Garrett was filling a cup of coffee.  "People haven't stopped coming in since I opened and I didn't get any baking done last night.  I have to get ready a few orders and I don't think I'll have enough time to do everything."

Nate put his hand on Garrett to stop him from grabbing a second cup.  "Go to the kitchen and do what you have to do, I'll take care of the customers today, okay?"

Garrett quirked an eyebrow, but his lips curled up a bit at the ends.  "Really?"

"Absolutely," Nate smiled.  "I've spent so much time here that I already know how everything works."

Garrett sighed in obvious relief.  "Thank you."

"You're welcome.  Now get out of here," Nate gently pushed him away by bumping their hips together and filled the second cup of coffee as Garrett disappeared into the kitchen.

Nate quickly served every customer until the last one was out the door, feeling quite proud of himself that he'd only had to interrupt Garrett once to question him about something he didn't know.  When he was done, he poured himself a cup of coffee and joined Garrett in the kitchen.

Garrett was kneading something inside a huge white bowl.  "You're an angel, Nate.  Thank you so much."

"It was nothing," Nate sighed.  "You work too much and you have no one here to help you."

"I know," Garrett muttered.  "My dad keeps telling me I'll have to hire someone eventually and he's right.  Sometimes I'm so tired I almost can't get out of bed in the morning."

"I'll tell you what," Nate said, his hands settling on Garrett's hips.  "I'll help you when I'm not working on Henry's case.  You can be back here in the kitchen and I can be out there with the customers.  That way, you don't have to be down here late every night baking."

"Nate, I can't ask you to do that," Garrett shook his head softly.

"You're saying that as if I don't get anything out of this," Nate smirked.  "I will not only spend more time with you here during the day, but I'll also have you at home earlier in the evening."

"Hm, a bit possessive, aren't we?" Garrett hummed, but it was obvious he was delighted with that idea.

"I need to make up for lost time," Nate teased.  "And I like being here.  It was the first place where I really ever felt safe."

Garrett smiled and leaned back against Nate.  "It would be really nice to have you around more.  And can you pass me the bowl of raspberries I have in the fridge?" Garrett asked absently and Nate moved to grab it after making a mumbled comment about being Garrett's slave, not that he minded.

Garrett rolled his eyes.  "Hey, you haven't told me about how you were doing in your photography classes."

Nate came back with the full bowl of raspberries and put it down on the counter before leaning next to Garrett and grabbing his cup of coffee again.  "I stopped going after we, uh, you know," even saying it was still hard.  "I didn't have the strength to keep going."

"Nate," Garrett paused and looked up at him, a sad smile on his face.  "That could've helped you feel better."

"No, it wouldn't have made any difference," Nate said, completely certain.  "It didn't really make any sense without you.  You're like my muse."

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