And He Said No, You Know, Like a Liar

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When his arm reached to wrap around Garrett and only found emptiness, Nate woke up confused, in the middle of the night.  He allowed himself a second to remember if they had made different plans the night before and to look around and make sure he was in his apartment, but when all he saw was Garrett's bedroom in shadows, barely visible in the dim light coming in the windows, he frowned.  He felt something shifting near the foot of the bed and it turned out to be Brownie, who apparently had snuck in there sometime after they had fallen asleep.  He was sure Garrett had fallen asleep before he had, but where was he now?

Thinking maybe he had gotten up to get some water or go to the bathroom, Nate laid on his back, staring at the ceiling, waiting for him to come back, but when five minutes passed and Garrett still wasn't in bed next to him, he started to worry.  He turned the lamp on and got out of bed.

The apartment was as empty as Garrett's side of the bed.  Just one glance around was enough to know that.  The only other living being there was Robert who had invaded the couch and was sleeping soundly.  But there were no signs of the other man.

After a few minutes of panic, he found him exactly where he should've looked for Garrett first: the bakery's kitchen. He had his apron on top of the hoodie he kept stealing from Nate and his hair was disheveled. The counters were a mess of ingredients and flour and the heat of the oven instantly warmed Nate when he stepped inside.

"Garrett?" He said softly.

Garrett jumped and turned around to look at him with a hand on his heaving chest.  "Oh God, you scared me."

"You scared me too.  I couldn't find you anywhere," Nate answered, walking towards him.

"I'm sorry," Garrett smiled sweetly at him.  "I just--I felt inspired.  I had to come down here."

"You can always bake in the morning," Nate said as he wrapped his arms around the other man's waist from behind, nuzzling into his neck, sleepily.  "It's late, Garrett."

"I know.  I'm sorry I woke you up," Garrett concluded.  "I had an idea for a new recipe and wanted to try it."

Nate stayed there for a few minutes.  He kept his eyes closed and inhaled deeply, taking in the wonderful scent of his skin.  Then something occurred to him.  He shifted enough so he could see Garrett's profile.  His eyes were focusing on what his hands were doing and there was a relaxed expression on his face, but Nate still felt he needed to ask him.  "Everything's okay, right?  This isn't some sort of midnight baking therapy session because you're still upset about something?"

They way Garrett chuckled immediately eased him.  "No, silly.  I really did have an idea for something new and I wanted to try it.  You have nothing to worry about.  You can go back to bed if you want."

Nate sneaked his hands beneath the hem of the hoodie.  "I'd rather stay with you if you don't mind."

"Not at all," Garrett turned his head to the side just enough to capture Nate's lips in a quick kiss.

Nate sighed happily.  "What are you baking?"

"Cupcakes," Garrett replied.  He finished mixing what he had in the bowl and reached for a cupcake pan to start filling it with the batter.

"What's so special about these cupcakes that they couldn't wait until the morning?" Nate asked curiously.  Garrett untangled himself from Nate's arms and walked to the other counter, where the first batch of cupcakes was already finished and sitting on a tray.  He picked one out and offered it to Nate.  "Try it."

"Okay," Nate took the cupcake, with a pale yellow buttercream icing and something that looked a lot like golden syrup elegantly dripping from the top of it.

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