Love is Taking a Deep Dive, Getting Really Comfortable, and Peeing in the Pool

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Garrett woke up the next morning and the first thing he noticed before he even opened his eyes was the strong scent of Nate.  He seemed to recall the mutual decision the two had come to the night before that led him to falling asleep wrapped in Nate's arms while they watched his favorite movie--which ended up being Forrest Gump much to Garrett's surprise.

He hummed contentedly and extended an arm in the direction he expected Nate to be.  Only his arm never found anything.  The other side of the bed was still warm, but vacant.  Garrett peeked with one eye, his face still pressed against the pillow.  The room was bathed in clear, pale sunlight, so it couldn't be late, which Garrett was grateful for since he still had to go to work.

He propped himself up on his elbows, knowing it was too late to go back to sleep even though he really, really wanted to, and started looking around for a clock or a phone where he could check the time.  When his gaze fell on the bedside table of Nate's side of the bed, he felt his heart flutter in his chest.

He must have been distracted the night before, but now he noticed the picture Nate had framed and placed there: it was the one had had taken of the two of them while they were walking Robert around Fort Wayne during Thanksgiving weekend.  He reached to take a better look at it.  It was a beautiful picture.  He could see the love and joy in Nate's eyes and the smile on his own face was so bright and happy too.  He brushed his thumb over Nate's face; he looked so beautiful.  He definitely needed to ask Nate for a copy of that picture.

Before he had time to wonder once again where Nate was, he got his answer.  He noticed the sound of the shower only when it mixed with the sound of a wonderful singing voice.

He was singing in what Garrett thought was the most beautiful rendition of Michael Buble's The Way You Look Tonight.  Garrett was frozen and all he could do was listen and before he knew it, Nate stopped singing the words to hum the melody instead.  Garrett took a shaky breath in and squealed inside his head as he rolled over in the bed.  How could Nate be so perfect?

How could Nate actually be his?

After what had happened the night before, there was no way to deny it.  They belonged to each other and Garrett wouldn't have it any other way.

He noticed the sound of the shower had stopped.  Deciding he wanted to make breakfast for Nate, he shot up and off the bed, and walked to the mirror to inspect the clothes he was wearing.  Nate had let him borrow something more comfortable to wear the night before and while the sweatpants were too short and the Harvard sweatshirt seemed out of place on him, there was still something about seeing himself in Nate's clothes that he liked.

He walked to the kitchen.  Robert was sleeping soundly on the couch but woke up when he noticed Garrett was up and followed him.  Garrett scratched his ears.  "Good morning, sweet boy.  I'm gonna make breakfast for Nate.  Would you like something too?"

Robert only wagged his tail faster and sat next to Garrett as he went through the cupboards and the fridge, trying to decide what to make.  He started the coffee maker and then decided on collecting the ingredients to make French toast.

Garrett had just put the slices of bread into the pan when he felt two arms wrapping around his waist.  He smiled as Nate dropped a kiss to the curve of his neck.

"Good morning," he whispered, right next to his ear and Garrett almost dropped the spatula on the burner.

"Morning," Garrett inhaled deeply.  Nate smelled like soap, aftershave and himself and it was a killing combination.  "You smell wonderful."

"And you look wonderful," Nate's hands rested at the hem of his hoodie.  "You should keep this.  It looks way better on you than it ever did on me."

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