The new student.

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I've never felt something so strong like the feeling of love, and that feeling was long gone when he left. I thought life wasn't fair for me until I came to know that, life is just itself and we are the one that can make it different. I'm always thinking about him, wondering why he left when everything was just right. Whenever I felt like I have him, he always disappeared. Was our story supposed to end like this? These thoughts never left my mind. Whenever I sit in my chair, looking out from the window, he's the only one on my mind. I've always believed in fairytales because books were my best friends, until I met him.

It was another usual day at school, I was wearing a denim jacket on my white tank top and skinny black jeans, sitting on a corner table with anyone barely seeing me. I was enjoying my smoothie and observing people around me, that's when he came. I never saw him before, everyone was stunned with him entering in all black, and his white skin looked even brighter in those black clothes. He had a perfect jawline and a diamond-shaped face. His eyes were brown in color and lips looked smooth as petals, his hair were a bit messy, but he wasn't looking less than a prince. A prince that every girl would've imagined in her dreams and so did I. He bought snacks for him and looked around to find a place to sit, everyone was looking at him, hoping that he would sit beside them, that's when he looked at me and started walking towards my table. My face fell immediately, I knew he was approaching me, my heartbeats were faster than ever, soon I felt him standing beside me. He placed his snacks on the table and asked, "Can I sit?" his voice was rough, it sounded like he never wanted to sit there. I didn't know what to say, it felt bad to hear him in that rude tone. I looked at him he was hoping for an answer probably a 'yes', but when I opened my mouth the words which came out were, "That was rude!". After hearing me, everyone started shouting "nerd", "boy! Come here." and so and so. He rolled his eyes and sat on my table and the room went silent once again but not completely, I heard whispers, which almost certainly were about me. I never spoke a word and neither did he. He quickly finished his snacks and went away, soon the canteen was completely empty, everyone left but I was still there wondering about what just happened. I was sitting with my head down on the table and suddenly I felt hands on my shoulders and it started shaking me, I looked up to see it was my best friend, a real friend besides books Sara (Sara Tiwari). We are friends since we were born, in the same hospital, on the same day and also we are neighbors, we grew up along but the only difference was her popularity. She was liked by everyone, though she never left my side. She came to me for reminding me about our lab, I never felt going to lab because I was the only one who didn't have any partner, not because no one chose me, but I preferred to be alone. She dragged me to the lab, and there was a surprise coming up for me. Since I was a sincere student, I was liked by teachers, and so our lab prof. Seth was waiting outside for me with some news. And it wasn't just surprising, it was going to change my life. It was about him, the boy I met in the canteen, he was going to be my partner for our labs, obviously because I was the only one without a partner. I had no choice, so I agreed to what the prof. said.

We entered the lab, he was standing at my place. I and Sara went to our respective places, she passed a teasing wink at me, and I passed a subtle smile to her. "So, what's your name?" he asked. This time he was polite as he murmured slightly, his voice was smooth, like wind. I looked at him and answered, "My name is Niva Mehra, and yours?", "Rihaan Varma" he replied and looked towards the prof., this was the only conversation we had during the whole period. As the lab ended Sara ran towards me with a huge grin, and I knew I had to face some of her wicked questions. She walked me to my locker with questions like, 'what is his name?', 'What did you guys talked about?', 'Are you meeting him later?', 'Will he date you?', she was happy for me but I knew nothing was going to happen between us so I had to turn her down, all her spirit washed away when I said, "He only asked my name." I was smiling because I knew she would be mad at me, and so was she. With you are helpless face of her, she left for class and I followed her. Rihaan was already in the class, Sara looked back at me and smiled. I realized that I was blushing, I never felt that way before, it was a lot different feeling, but I knew that was not mutual. I never believed in love since my father left, so I brushed off the thoughts from my mind and went back to the nerd version of me. I never felt my fathers absence, I was a kid when he left us, and my mother never let me feel alone and nor did she let me know how broken she was inside. She always kept her happy-face and never let any man into her life ever again. I don't know if I was like this because of my family but I was afraid. 'Afraid to love'.

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