I've known only pain.

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I was observing a change in myself. Every day I woke up, the urge to be with him grew stronger. I was doing things that I haven't done in my life before. I was embracing every moment I had with him. I was totally in love with him and I wanted to take that off my chest. I wanted to scream out loud that I needed him beside me. But I never told him, because I was too afraid to get hurt. I was uncertain that he will stay. I was worried that hell leave me one day, the way my father left us. I was not sure that he would even be friends with me after I express him my feelings, and if that happened it would be the worst part of my life. To see him every day and not to be able to talk to him, even thinking of that tore me apart and I could not let that happen. Every day I hide my feelings behind all my concerns, and love him endlessly without letting him find out. He had become close with my mom too. Every time they met he always mentioned that his aunt wanted to meet my mom but she was too busy lately and so she could never make it. He took me once to meet his aunt, she was very polite and loving. She took care of Rihaan like he was a five years old kid, and he literally acted like one with her. I remember every second of that day, I've never saw him that much carefree beside anyone else.

It was a cold day of October. We were at School when he asked me to come for dinner at his home. I refused at first because I was too shy to meet his aunt, but as usual he somehow convinced me. He asked mom to come too when he dropped me home after school but she had some office work pending so she politely refused him. He told me to be ready until he returns with some grocery his aunt told him to bring. I wore a dark green colored dress that day, and black shoes. After getting ready, I was sitting with mom waiting for him. She asked me how I feel about him. I didn't say anything, just shrugged my shoulders and looked away. She smiled and told me that she still miss my dad every day. She told me that he loved us more than anything, and leaving us was not his choice. I got angry and told her to stop talking about that person who ruined her life and left us with nothing. I don't even remember his face and I never want to. I told her furiously. We both sat in silence for a while, then I apologized to her for being rude and hugged her. We parted on the sound of a knock on the door. I opened to see that Rihaan was here to take me to his home. We waved mom goodbye and she told Rihaan to take care of me. He assured her not to worry, and said that her daughter was safe with him. Mom sighed with a big smile and we left.

On reaching his house, Rihaan's aunt greeted me warmly and welcomed me in. I was gazing at the interiors which gave a soothing effect. His aunt introduced herself to me and told him to show me the house until she serves dinner. I walked with Rihaan to take a look at his house.

"These interiors are very attractive." I told him

"I'm glad you like them." He smiled at me

We went on tracing every corner of the house. There were so many pictures of him, hanging on the walls. Every picture was telling a beautiful story in itself. He took me to show his room at last. Everything was spread carelessly on the floor and on the bed and everywhere. "I'm sorry for this mess, that's why I was not showing you my room." He smiled sheepishly. I took a quick look of his room and laughed at him. Then my eye caught a picture on his desk, there was a kid and two persons were holding him. I asked him about it, and he said they were his parents. He had a pale smile on his face, I adored the picture and kept it back at its place. We went back to kitchen where Aunt Anika was already waiting with the dinner. I seated myself and thanked her for the dinner as she served me, and we started eating. We had a little cheerful conversation during the dinner and then she asked me to stay for a little while longer, so I did. Rihaan went upstairs to search for his mobile charger. He screamed from upstairs as he was not able to find it. I saw him running in the house and checking all the rooms. His aunt then called him, and told that it was near the TV where he left it in the morning. His aunt laughed at him as he got the charger and it made me laugh too. He is always losing things. she told me with her lips still curved in a smile. I had a very good time with her. I left at 9:30 as mom called me, Rihaan came to drop me home. Thanks again Aunt, I really enjoyed your company very much. I told her when I was leaving. Oh! Dear, please do visit again. She said and we left. As we were heading towards home Rihaan pointed at an ice cream parlor and asked me to have one with him. We went inside, he ordered two mint chocolate chip and we took a table in the corner.

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