All is well?

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We left the next morning, as decided. The whole journey was filled with silence, no one spoke much. I was asleep most of the time because I was getting bored. When we reached the final station, Rihaan woke me up and we left the bus. Mom was there to pick us up and so were Rihaan and Bhavs guardians. We went to them I gave Bhav a warm smile and punched Sara playfully and asked her what she was thinking.

Ow, nothing Im just trying to figure out which grandmother was Bhav talking about. He have a very big family and I never happened to talk to him since yesterday and he slept the whole time in the bus. She said sadly When are you going to tell me? she moved towards Bhav and asked him. On hearing that, Bhav and Rihaan looked at each other and a creepy smirk was building on their face, soon they started laughing.

Whats going on? I and Sara asked simultaneously.

That was a lie, to leave that house as soon as possible. Bhav said, that made both of us surprised.

Why didnt you tell me before? Sara said hitting Bhav on the shoulder.

So, all those tears and sadness were fake. Wow man, you did that well. I said to Bhav, astonished.

I wanted to get us all home safely. Rihaan said

Kids, are you all right. What are you talking about? Mom came and asked us.

Nothing mom. I said and hugged her.

Soon we all left for our homes and decided to meet tomorrow for completing the rest of the assignment. Later that night, I and mom were awake till late after dinner. I told her about everything that happened within the week, except the quest part and she shared the events about her week. We were laying on the couch talking till our eyes were heavy. I wanted to tell her that I was completely in love with Rihaan, but before I speak, I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up by the smell of the sweet pancakes. I went to the kitchen and hugged mom from behind and sniffed the delicious aroma. She smiled and pushed me towards the bathroom and gestured to freshen up before breakfast. When I came back there were pancakes and coffee on the table waiting for me with mom. I seated down and gulped them making mmm sound.

Later that day, everyone came to my home to finish up our assignment. It took us a few days to merge all our questions and experience, and make an effective report. Along with that Rihaan told us that the proofs were caught by the police and his father was called in court for the hearing. Within the weekend he was proved guilty. Ved and his mother moved with Rihaans aunt. Everyone was extremely happy. Rihaan was finally laughing for real, he was now relieved that his mother was with him. He threw a party on Sunday to welcome his mother. I decided to tell him how I felt about him at the party. I was a little nervous so I talked to my mom first. She jumped with happiness when she heard that I was in love. She invited Sara at home and I told her that I was going to express my love to Rihaan. Her reactions were same as were of my mom. She then took us for shopping for the party. Finally everything was falling in its place, I never saw my mom that happy before. I was glad that Rihaan came into my life and made such a difference. That night, they both kept teasing me about Rihaan and all I did was blush helplessly.

Finally, it was the Sunday evening. We were getting ready for the party. I was quite nervous, though it wasnt the first time I would attend a party, and there werent any new people I was going to meet but still I was nervous. It was easy to decide that I would open up about my feelings but I wasnt easy enough to do so. I had too many thoughts on how to say it, how to say that I was in love, how to say that he is the one, how to tell him that I love him. I was standing still in front of the mirror, with mind full of different possibilities. But the thing I was most afraid of was, him leaving me. I put myself together, leaving all thoughts behind and completed dressing up. Sara was still getting ready and so was my mom. I told them that I will be waiting for them downstairs, they both stared at me for a minute before speaking.

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