Nice to meet you.

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On that Saturday evening, I was watching Netflix with my mom. She reminded me that tomorrow was Sunday. She was pointing towards Rihaan, I smiled at her. Ask him to come in the morning and stay for the rest of the day. She said. Are you sure? I asked and she nodded. I immediately texted Rihaan and got back with mom. With every notification I was checking my phone to see if I got a text from him. Mom was watching me pick the phone several times.

"I've never seen you like this before." She said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said with a huge grin on her face.

"Whoa! That smile definitely hides something. Speak up mom." I told her.

"Oh! I think you got a text." She assumed. I quickly picked up my phone and there was nothing. I looked awkwardly towards mom.

"That was intentional. Wasn't it?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Do you like him?" she asked.

"Umm... yeah, sort of, maybe. I dont know." My words stumbled as I spoke.

"Does he like you?" she asked another question.

"I have no idea about that." I answered.

"OK then well find out, now go get some sleep." She said.

"Please dont come up with this topic tomorrow in front of him." I pleaded her. She nodded in assurance and I went to my room.

I was changing my clothes when my phone started ringing. It was a call from Rihaan. I picked it up and put it on speaker. He started talking about the text and I answered him while changing. He agreed to come in the morning, we engaged in a little conversation and then hung up the call saying good night. I was tired for the day and went straight to sleep.

It was the Sunday morning, I was sleeping and never wanted to wake up early but Rihaans call woke me up. He wanted to buy something for my mom to which I told him not to bother. He was a little persistent for his wish and so it took a while for me to get him down and we agreed on him bringing nothing more but flowers. After the call, I hurried to get ready as he was all set and on his way and will be arriving soon. I didnt wanted to look like I dont care about his visit so I picked a proper dress to fit in. I rushed downstairs to find mom and she was sitting on the couch listening to music.

"Hey mom! Good morning." I greeted her and she did the same. I seated myself beside her. She asked me to have breakfast, I went to the kitchen to see what I had there. I ate some snacks and a cup full of coffee while thinking about Rihaan. I had just finished my breakfast when I heard the doorbell. I got some chills as I knew it was him and he will be meeting my mom today. I had thoughts that how will she like him and so and so. Hoping everything goes well I left the kitchen to find mom greeting him and showing him to the hallway. She was holding tulips in her hand which was probably Rihaans gift. I walked up to them to welcome him, I greeted him and praised the flowers. Its good to hear you liked it, I had trouble choosing. He said. Me and mom thanked him and made him sit. Mom sent me to get him some snacks and water while they get to know each other. I returned and saw they were already caught up into a conversation. I placed the snacks at the table near to Rihaan and seated beside mom to join the conversation. I can see Rihaan was enjoying the talk with mom and I never disturbed them.

After some quality talking between them, they shifted their focus at me and mom started talking about my childhood and Rihaan continued to listen and laugh. She told him how I loved to lick lemons and make weird faces because of its taste. How much I loved to go to the park and swing. How much I loved to put on her heels and wear her scarf on my head and pretend to have long hairs, and so much more. I told mom to stop because I was feeling vulnerable that Rihaan was getting to know all foolish things I used to do. He looked at me, still laughing and told me not to feel embarrassed as everyone as a child does things like that. Then he started talking about acts of his childhood. I felt a relief that I was out of focus now. I was enjoying the baby Rihaan talk, he seemed very cheerful to narrate his times as a child. He told us about the days when his father used to teach him basketball when he was a kid. He loved to fly and used to wear a cape like superman and run all around the house. When playing at the backyard he used to dig his back into the sand and pretend to be a shark. He talked so much about his mom and dad, he told us how happy they were and his eyes seemed to be filling up with tears, so I changed the subject. Mom understood and joined me.

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