I have an idea.

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After completion of chemistry, we started the physics assignment followed by history and mathematics. The assignments were lengthy enough to take the half of our year and full of our days. All of us became so engaged with the assignments that we had no time left to think about anything else. All of our days we scheduled from going school to ending up doing the assignments till night. Some of the days, when I and Sara did the writing work together at my home, we used to fall asleep doing the assignments and mom took the books away from our bed. I was very tired with all the work and assignments and needed a break from all of these. I just wanted to fly away somewhere, far from the stress, with the people I care for. But the deadlines were freaking us enough not to think about doing other things. To be true, these things never bothered me before, but now I wanted to live my life differently, but there was no option to live it the way I wanted, so I just had to do what I was given. Soon it was the time for our out of the subject assignment. School had written a notice, that all the students had to do their extracurricular activity assignment within two weeks of time and during that time they can borrow a leave from School. The assignment will involve the group of students to know about the outside world. Each student group has to take the assignments from the assigned teacher. I looked for our groups assigned teacher and it had Prof. Jha's name. I informed the others and we went to take our assignment. There were already a few students inside his cabin, so we waited for our turn. When we went near his desk, he greeted all of us with a smile and handed us our assignment.

"Take your time to have a look at it, you will be assigned two weeks after the confirmation of your assignments, you can come to me for any other queries. Have a good work." he said smiling, and we left with our assignment, thanking him.

We sat inside an empty classroom to read what we had to do for the assignment. I opened the envelope, took out the paper and read it aloud.

The students assigned with this, have to study an upscale family and their lifestyle. And what are their views on the society. They can ask study related questions and the ones which they think will benefit their future but no offensive and personal questions have to be involved. And if the person, they are interviewing feels uncomfortable, the students can always start over their assignment. But they will not get any extra time for that, so everyone has to do their work carefully. After the completion of the assignment they had to take the signature of the interviewee and hand it over to their teacher within the specified time. Also, the students have to select the family on their own and School will not be responsible for any of the costs occurring during the assignment.

Everyone will be given two week time after the confirmation of the assignment. This assignment is compulsory for everyone on the campus and it cannot be changed unless severe circumstances. For other queries contact your teacher.

"What the hell, where are we going to find a wealthy family and study them." This is ridiculous. Sara told in disappointment

"And we can't even change it." Bhav said after Sara finished her sentence

"How can this even help us with our future?" Sara questioned

"Well, it can help us to know from where to start our life and what to do. What do you say Niv?" Rihaan answered Sara and then looked at me, I just nodded with my attention somewhere else. Sara pushed me and I came back from my imagination.

"What?" I said

"What were you thinking?" Rihaan questioned me.

"I was just thinking that, we interview your family. They are wealthy enough." I said and everyone liked my idea except for Rihaan.

"I'm not going there." He said in anger,

"Please excuse me for a minute." I said and took Rihaan far from Bhav and Sara.

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