We found it!

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Days passed, we continued our assignment efficiently. Though we did not see Mr. Miraj too often, maybe he was trying to avoid us but all we could hope was that he was not suspicious about us. Weve made a good bond with Rihaans mother those days, she was very kind and loving. We all enjoyed spending time with her. Ved also had apologized to me and Rihaan for the past incident, I forgave him but Rihaan could not. I felt some kind of truth in Veds eyes and so I gave him a chance. He was good to all of us every time, we had so much fun together. I was already missing those days, but in all that fun I could not forget Rihaan and his mothers pain. Every day we took Ved to a different corner of the house, saying that we never saw such a beautiful house and wanted to see more of it. Every other day I found out something different about that house, I found clues to lead me to the answers we were finding there. Weve almost saw every part of the house but the rooms where Mr. Miraj went or stayed, were never open to us. I somehow convinced Ved that I wanted to see them too, without making it obvious and he agreed to talk to his father. It was strange that Mr. Miraj responded positively to him every time. A man like him, who doesnt love anyone or anything besides him was agreeing to everything Ved asked him. I was growing doubtful about all these but Ved never seemed a bad person or the one with hidden intensions. Maybe because he was the only son, or maybe there were other reasons no one knew. I grew more curious about it and in the evening I finally asked him when I found him alone. No offence I added. At first he laughed but then he answered.

Because he thinks Im capable of nothing and Im his loyal, peaceful dog. He said.

Dont you feel bad about it? I asked.

I hate it. I never had the love of a father, and I dont even need it as long as my mom is with me. I let him feel like this because I dont want him to think that something will go wrong when he is not around. He sighed.

So, all this is just because you want him to stay away. I said.

Yes, he thinks that Ill tell him everything that you all are up to and he let me do whatever I want. I claimed proudly. I laughed with him and we parted our ways.

The next day, it was Sunday. Almost a week was over and we still had no proof, and only three days were left for us to return home. I and Sara were in our room, dressing up to go out. As we reached to the gate after getting ready, we saw everyone was already there, including Mr. Miraj. No one knew he was coming, he said that he took a day off to spend time with us before we leave, which was very strange because he hadnt been around much, but no one bothered to know more. We filled in the car and it hit the road. We were not aware where we were going so I asked, Ved said that it was a place which he usually visited with his mother when he was a kid and he wanted to share those memories with all of us. He smiled at his mother after saying that and she did the same. I asked him what that place was called, but he said it was a surprise and to have some patience. Everyone laughed at his witty comment and I sat quietly after that. The car stopped after a while and we stepped out.

A zoo? Mr. Miraj said in disappointment.

A zoo! At the same time, Rihaan astonishingly said to his mother and smiled.

I know you always wanted to go to a zoo as a kid and I never happened to take you to one. His mother said. He put his arm around her and smiled.

There is also an aquarium inside, but unfortunately it doesnt have sharks. Ved said in a teasing way and Mrs. Varma laughed along with me. Rihaan rolled his eyes saying whatever and we entered the zoo.

The zoo was full of people, merrily walking around. We stopped by every cabin and took pictures of every animal. We bought ice cream cones and enjoyed to our fullest. After that we entered the aquarium and that was extremely fascinating. Meanwhile, Ved told me that we will take a tour of Mr. Mirajs rooms after we reach home which made me excited as well as nervous. But I kept those feelings aside and enjoyed my time in the aquarium. I and Mrs. Varma teased Rihaan the whole time by saying look a shark, oh my bad its not. He got a little pissed but never angry. At the end he stopped all of us to take a picture and then he asked Bhav to take one picture of him with me and his mom. He stood in between, with his one hand around me and another around his mother. And after that we all gathered to leave, but Mr. Miraj was not around, we looked for him but couldnt find him, then Ved tried to call him but it was engaged. We were standing there without any clue, I asked Ved what should we do, just then he came and asked us why we look so tensed. To which Ved explained him the situation and he apologized for leaving without informing anyone, and we headed back. I knew he was up to something, because when he came, he seemed a little angry and nervous. I was watching him during the ride and he was lost deep in thoughts. I also gesture Rihaan to observe him and texted him that we were going to his fathers rooms in the evening as Ved told me and he nodded.

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