The Assignment.

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When I woke up, I was wondering how our interview will go with Mr. Miraj. We didn't saw him yesterday, not even for a second. Was he trying to ignore us? But why will he do that, there wasn't any reason for that, obviously we were not actual reporters. I'm really regretting that I made all my friends interview some criminal and they don't even know about that. I'm starting to think that I should tell them, but I don't know if Rihaan would be fine with that or not. Maybe he should tell them by himself, or maybe I should ask him to tell them. I don't like to keep secrets with my best friends so I'm going to talk to him. My head was full of thoughts as I was preparing for my assignment. Someone knocked the door and Sara went to see who was there. Bhav and Rihaan were standing there, ready with their pen and papers to take notes. Just then Mira came asking for breakfast. Everyone headed downstairs so it was a good chance for me to talk to Rihaan. I stopped him for a little conversation.

"So, today we'll be starting our project." I said and he nodded.

"And?" he asked in confusion.

"And, I think that our friends should know why exactly we chose to interview your father." I spoke prudently, and waited for him to reply.

"I was thinking the same thing, but I'm not sure how to do that. And how will they react when they come to know about it. What if they choose to leave, I wont get another chance." He said downheartedly.

"But we cant keep them in the dark. If something happens, it would be our fault because we didn't beware them. They would be more careful if they know about everything." I said looking into his eyes.

"I'll think about it." He said and gestured me towards the stairs. And we headed down.

As we went down, everyone was already sitting on the table, including Mr. Miraj. I saw him as he was preparing his plate for breakfast. We took our seats and greeted everyone. Mr. Miraj looked above from his plate and smiled at us. He greeted Rihaan with a devilish grin and turned towards me. With a big smile on his face, he told me good morning and begun to ask me questions about our assignment. While he was asking questions to me, Mira was making my plate for breakfast. She handed me the plate and I thanked her, ignoring him for a moment. Then I turned back to him and he seemed a little pissed, I didnt know what I had done wrong, but then he continued eating without saying another word. I sat there in confusion and my eyes caught Veds. He smiled and gestured me to eat, I came back to my senses and started eating. Ved and Mr. Miraj finished their breakfast before anyone else and stood up to leave. A while later when we all had finished breakfast and were sitting in the hall, Mr. Miraj arrived in a suit with a bag. He seemed like he was going to his workplace. Before leaving he came to us.

"As I have my own business to handle, I'm leaving for now but will be back till the evening and we can do your interview stuff by then." He told us politely and left.

We had our pens and papers and so we started to ask some friendly questions to Ved and Mrs. Varma. It was fun, Sara was continuously asking them about their favorite food and shopping spots from the city and the cities they have been. We all were laughing and enjoying the questionnaire. Bhav stopped her from asking further questions and began asking some related to our assignment. After Bhav I got my turn, followed by Rihaan. We asked only a few questions which came to our mind at the moment but that werent enough for the assignment so we decided to do some homework before going any further. Meanwhile, Mira came to call us for lunch and we all joined.

Everyone felt a little lazy after the lunch, so they all went back to their rooms. I wanted to discuss our work with Sara when we were in our room but she was not paying attention and kept showing me the photos she had from yesterday. After trying to confront her for some time, I finally gave up and joined her and started looking at the photos because she was not listening to my single word. We got engaged in that, we were laughing and telling stories behind the pictures. We were not even aware of the time, just then we heard a knock at the door. Sara stood up to see who was there. Rihaan and Bhav were standing outside with papers in their hands. I watched at mobile to see the time and it was already 6 pm. They both complained that they were waiting since hours, and we had no answer because we felt stupid for wasting our time. We looked at each other with blank faces. Then Rihaan broke the silence by asking us to start our work from now, and we all sat together to get started.

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