Silence before the storm.

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We were in our room, laying on the bed when we heard a door knock. I stood up to open the door and see who was there. I saw a skinny girl standing outside the door. Lunch will be ready in fifteen minutes, I was sent to see if you needed any help. She said politely. I thanked her and asked for her name. Her name was Mira, I thanked her again and she went back saying that we can call her anytime we need her and to be ready for lunch. I nodded and closed the door as she left. I told Sara to get up and change her clothes, we freshened up and changed for lunch. After few minutes, Mira came again to get us for lunch and we went down with her to the dining table. Rihaan's mother was already sitting there, we greeted her and made our seats beside her. She asked us about our journey and then our assignment, and we explained her what exactly we were here for. We were in the middle of talking when Ved came along with Bhav and Rihaan. After they were seated, the lunch was served by two maids. Rihaan's mom told us to start eating as we were not sure if there were any rules in the big mansion. She told us to be frank and not to worry about anything. We started eating, the food was delicious, I complimented Rihaan's mom and she said to praise the cook and smiled.

"Wow, I would do anything to live like this." Sara said with food in her mouth,

"Trust me dear, you cant live like this for long." Rihaan's mom said with a smile and continued eating. There was silence at the table,

"Well, now that you all are here, lets go and explore the city after lunch." Ved said and everyone nodded blissfully.

"Mom, come along with us. Please." Rihaan said to his mom,

"I want to, but I dont know if I can." She said,

"Yes, please come with us. We will really enjoy your company." I asked her to come,

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she is coming." Ved said with a wide grin on his face, looking at his mother. She smiled and looked away nodding her head.

After lunch, we all gathered in the hall to leave. As we went outside, there was a big car waiting for us. We entered in the car and it left towards the city. Rihaan was sitting next to his mother and was holding her hand. Their faces had a remarkable happiness and comfort of being together after a long time. Ved asked us where we wanted to go first and Sara screamed shopping. We all burst out laughing and Ved told the driver to take us to some fancy-named street. After few minutes of driving, the car stopped and we all stepped down. As I turned around, I saw infinite shops along the aisle, looking vibrant and attractive. I was stunned for a moment to see so many colours in one place. Ved assembled us all and told to stay along and we started walking inside the lane. Sara was very excited and she stopped at every shop to see what is sold there. It was a very cheerful and fun place. People were wandering around with their hand full of shopping bags. There was so much to learn from the surroundings. I was observing everything around me and it was soothing. I saw Rihaan and his mom walking and chatting. They were looking merrier than ever. It was an amazing feeling to be there, I was with Ved and he was telling me every detail about the place. Ved told us that after this we will be going to some amusement park which was along a beach.

Ved was a good company, I learnt so many things about that place while walking with him. He was a very sweet and polite guy. I told him how his brother reacted when we first met. He couldnt stop laughing after hearing that, he said that Rihaan never talked to him before and was always angry on him. But after that party things were a little different between them and he thanked me for it. I told him that it was his own choice, and I didnt made him to talk with you. I asked him about his mother and he told me that she was not happy with his father and that he also hated him. He had tried a several times to get rid of his father but he was never able to do so. He told me, how helpless he feels that he cannot keep his mother safe. He also told me that many times his dad used to hurt her when he was drunk. I was sad to hear everything he was telling me, his face was pale and his eyes were full of sorrow. I empathized him and cheered him up.

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