Twenty- Eight

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"It looks like twins!!" He looks back at us happily. "Tw-twins!?!" Zach stutters out. "Oh my god" I whisper and put my hand in my hands. We're barely making it by with Andrea and us. We're only 19 how can we care for three kids!?!? Wh-what if Zach leaves because its too much to handle. All these thoughts are running in my head, things that were the tortoise during my pregnancy with Andrea are running like the hare right now. Oh god, I'm comparing things in my life to children's tales!! I'm not sure i'm ready for this!!

"Thank you doctor" Zach thanks him as we make our way outside. I don't even notice I have tears running down my face until Zach stops me in the parking lot and pulls me to his chest. "It's ok baby. It's ok, don't cry" He attempts to sooth me. I try and stop crying but the tears continue. "Let's just go" I whisper and pull away, making my way to the car. He silently follows me and gets in. The drive back to the apartment is silent as I stare out the window. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you being so silent, so, so distant??" He asks as he pulls the key from the ignition. "I'm fine" I mumble. I turn to get out and he locks all the doors. "Really." I say monotone as I turn back to him. "Tell me whats wrong, I know you enough to know somethings up" He reaches his hands up and cups my face. "Please don't leave us" I mumble as the tears come all at once and my mascara makes stripes down my cheeks. "What do you mean Audrey? I wouldn't leave you. I wouldn't leave Andrea and  these babies" He says pulling me into his chest again, rubbing circles on my back in an attempt to sooth me.

"Why would you think that?" He asks genuinely. "What- what if it all costs so much and you find it easier to just leave. What if all the time we spend on our kids makes us distant? Oh god just saying that. Our kids, multiple" I cry out, now sobbing. His t-shirt is soaked from my tears. "That will never happen baby, I'm here to stay. I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm here for the long run" He laughs as he places a light kiss to the top of my head. "What do you say we go get Andrea and we all three go to the park?" He asks. "That sounds good" I smile and wipe up my cheeks. He unlocks the doors, not that I couldn't have done that, and we head up to the apartment. As soon as we step in Andrea runs up to us. "DADDY!!!" She yells and runs to Zach holding her arms up and he lifts her. "Hi princess!" He exclaims "Where's uncle Ryan??" He asks. "Kitchen" She smiles. "Hes got a pwetty giwl wif him" She whispers and scrunches her nose up. WHAT! Zach must have the same reaction because he hands Andrea to me and stomps into the kitchen, "RYAN DEAN!" He shouts once hes going through the doorway. I walk into the kitchen and Ryan is cooking mac'n'cheese while a girl, she has blond hair, is sitting on the counter, they're laughing until Ryan sees us and he has this 'oh crap' look on his face. The girl climbs off the counter and comes over to us. 

"You must be Zach and Audrey" She smiles. "My names Elizabeth but I prefer Beth, don't get me mixed up with that blitch Bethy though" She rolls her eyes before looking back at us again. She seems nice. "Hi Beth" I say shaking her hand but Zach ignores her and stares at his younger brother "Ryan Dean we told you nobody was to come over!" He yells throwing his arms up in the air. Beth gasps and turns, hitting Ryan's arm and turning back to us. "I swear I didn't know!" She says scared. "Its fine" I say to her "For you however" I say pointing to Ryan who puts his hands in the air in mock surrender.  "Sorry" He says before turning to drain the noodles. "I'll let it slide this time but next time just tell us you want someone to come over, as long as we know them" I say before handing Andrea to Zach. "What!?!" Zach exclaims "Let it slide??" He asks. "Yes, now shut up I have a headache" I say holding my head and walking to our room to fix my makeup that I'm sure is ruined but they were to polite to mention that. As I'm reapplying my lipstick Zach comes in the room and stands behind my and wraps his arms around my neck "Andrea wants to stay here with Ryan and Beth if that's ok, they agreed, if that's ok with you? We can have a little date" He smiles as he places a kiss to my cheek and I nod my head happily, smiling like a lunatic. Mom or not, engaged or not, every time we go on a date I get butterflies. I look over at the camera battery we have on charge. "Crap! I forgot I was supposed to film after we left the doctor!" I exclaim turning to Zach who is trying to hide his amusement to the situation, spoiler: He failed, miserably. He laughs and I smack his chest. "Its not funny!" I say moving to grab my purse as we head back out to the car. As soon as we get in I grab the camera and fill everyone in on whats happened. Zach and I go to Chipotle and then we end up going bowling, which I remembered to film clips of both. I don't know what I was thinking earlier, Zach obviously loves me and our swiftly growing family, but if he thinks we're having any more kids he's seriously mistaken. 


I hope you enjoyed this part guys!!

So, I'm gonna leave the last bit that I posted up, talking about my grandma. Just because thats something real thats happened and when looking back at this book I wanna remember that real life events fueled my want to write and improve myself. And yolo or whatever ig, XD

Anyway real quick I wanted to update ya'll even if you don't care. My Nana is in the hospital again, not a heart attack this time, so if it does take me a bit longer to post ever just go ahead and assume shes why because I don't always remember to tell you so I can take a break. Or I do write to occupy myself and sometimes the story line gets too raw and close to my heart and I end up deleting it or revising it so that is another reason it takes so long.

Anyways, Until next time!!

Anyways, Until next time!!

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