Twenty- Seven

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Hey my dudes and dudettes! Most likely just dudettes I just wanted to say Andrea's nickname is pronounces like Drey ah if that makes any sense

"Pweeease mommy" Andrea pleads to me. "Fineee." I say not ready to deal with her whining today. I hand her the Popsicle pack as she sits at our kitchen table. I've had terrible morning sickness so far. Only a month in, just found out two days ago, and i spent the first hour of my day dry heaving. With Andrea at least it was only like a 15 minute kinda thing. I finish up making lunch and sit at the table with my adorable daughter. "Here Drea" I say  placing the plate of chicken nuggets and ketchup in front of her. I'm not sure how she eats that but, it works. She sure does like chicken nuggets though. She soo gets that from Zach. After we eat i sit  her in the living room with her favorite stuffed bunny and the TV playing 'The Little Mermaid' I headed to my room to film a YouTube video.  I set up my camera and started filming.

"Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel! So... today is another life update!!"I say into the camera "Andrea is just in the next room over watching a movie, she will probably fall asleep so we're good for a bit." I say fumbling with my necklace i'm wearing, slightly nervous to tell 6K people i'm having another child so young. "So first off is that I will be converting this channel just a bit. Going from a sit down to more of a few sit downs but mostly I'm gonna start weekly vlogging. Vlogging each day and making it one weekly video." I say moving on to fiddling about with my sleeve ends "Next off will be that Zach and I have FINALLY set a wedding date and can begin planning, we are gonna hire a videographer so you guys will be able to see that" I say and then begin rambling about day to day things, catching them up with most of our life/updates. Finally I get to the part ive been dreading.

"Lastly I have a big announcement to make." I say twisting my engagement ring around my finger. Just then there's  a soft knock at the door. I turn off the camera and turn to the door, I open it to see Andrea "Mommy can i sit with you?" She asks shyly "Yeah  baby" I pick her up and turn the camera back on "Ok guys i'm gonna let Andrea tell you guys" I lean over and whisper in Andrea's ear what the announcement is. "Reawy!?!" She exclaims excitedly once i tell her. "Guwys I'm gunna be a big sissy!!" She says standing in my lap and doing a happy dance making me laugh slightly "Yeah guys i'm pregnant!" I exclaim in a singsongy voice as I make Drea sit down. "We found out not too long ago, tomorrow Ryan will be babysitting Andrea for us while we go to the doctor for our first ultrasound. If i'm thinking correct I'm about one month along" I say twirling a bit of Andrea's blond hair around my finger as I talk. "I'll start vlogging tomorrow so you guys will know soon how it went. So you guys that's it. Please like, comment, and subscribe!!" I say before turning off the camera. I look down to notice Andrea is balled up, fast asleep in my lap. I quickly take her to her room and cover her up before getting my laptop and spreading out on the couch watching 'You' as I edit my video. 

"Ok you have my cell number, Zach's, the Chemical Control people the-" I get cut off "Yes Audrey I have all the numbers, her bedtime is 8, shes allergic to nuts, which by the way I already knew, ive only been her Uncle for two years" He says rolli...

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"Ok you have my cell number, Zach's, the Chemical Control people the-" I get cut off "Yes Audrey I have all the numbers, her bedtime is 8, shes allergic to nuts, which by the way I already knew, ive only been her Uncle for two years" He says rolling his eyes at the last bit. "And nobody comes over" he says tiredly "ok. Love you Drea" i say hesitintly before kissing her head. Zach pulls me out of our apartment before I can change my mind and just drag her along to this appointment. We head out to the car and once we're in and start driving i begin the vlog. "Goood morning guys! Right now its about 9am and we're on our way to the doctors. As you can see Zach is driving" i say pointing the camera Zachs way to wich he smiles and waves "Whats up guys!" He exclaims. Ive never really showed him on camera but twice but he is completely comfortable. "Anyways guys im not alowed to film inside so I'll talk when we're out." I say turning off the camera. We go inside and check in and sit to wait. "I wonder if its a girl or a boy this time" Zach says excitedly. "Its a bit too early for that, baby" i say laughing at his impatience

"I know that Princess, its not my first time around" he says laughing. "Oh trust me, I'll never forget having your child" i say suddenly feeling nauseous thinking of the pain I'll be goung through once again in a few months.

After a little while a nurse comes out "Audrey Frantzich" she calls. Zach and i stand up following her. Once we're in a room I sit on the bed while Zach holds my hand rubbing circles on the back as we talk about this new baby and wait for the doctor to come in. After around ten minutes a tall man comes in. He looks about 50 with slightly greying brown hair, "Hello Audrey, Im Dr. Johnson" He says shaking my hand "Hi doctor Johnson, um if you don't mind me asking, what happened to Dr. Wells? She was my doctor last time is why I'm asking." I explain. "She went to France to visit her daughter, she's having a baby sometime in the next few days" He says as he sits down. He puts the cold gel on my stomach and begins the Ultra scan. He moves it around a bit and looks at the screen. "Well your most definitely pregnant Ms. Frantzich. The baby looks good." He moves it around a little "Oh my" He exclaims getting closer to the screen "Whats wrong?!?" I ask worriedly, Zach looks at him wide eyed and waiting for a reply "It looks like-"


DONT KILL ME PLEASE!! I'll have another chapter up soon, I promise!!! As soon as I've gotten it written!!  Anyways guess what, my bestie's bday is next Tuesday and I spent like 50 dollars on tickets to see a play at the theater I act at. I'm not in this one though cuz I dyed my hair navy blue and thats not allowed so I'm gonna dye it a natural color in August so I can be in the next one, anyways shes gonna be so happy cuz she loves and I mean LOVES the movie, its Peter Pan. Shes gonna be so happy! 

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this! If you did please Vote, Follow, and comment your thoughts!!

Until next time 

Until next time 

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