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I feel hands on my waist. I turn and see my ex-bestfriend, Shawn. I guess I should explain.
In grade school I met shawn. We were great friends. Jack and Maz agreed he was a great kid. Fast forward to first year of middle school and Shawn and I were super close. We were both 11. Around winter break Shawns family had to go to his Aunts house and Shawn being Shawn begged to not go, so he stayed with my family. At 2am he had woken me up, made me get dressed, and we hiked up the back hills to a spot over seeing the city.

"I was having a panic attack. Im sorry its just. I dont know." Shawn says looking down, his eyes full of tears as he talks.

I scoot over and put an arm around his shoulder reassuring him that its ok. Thats when he turns and looks in my eyes. He kisses me. I push him away.

"Shawn. I dont like you like that!"

"Well i like you like that!!" He yells. He kisses me again not letting me go. He doesnt let me leave. Eventually he leavs but I'm too tired to move. And cry myself to sleep. When i went home the next morning Shawn had left to a different friends house. I told Maz and Jack he said something rude about our fave show and we dropped him. I never told anyone.

"Shawn?!?" I signed.

"Oh! Audrey. Is that you!!" He exclaims removing his hands. I nod.

"Oh uh, im sorry i didn't- i didn't know it was you." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Its ok" i sign.

"Wait? Can you not talk??"
I sigh. I pull out my phone and on the notes i type
"Im selective mute " he nods.

"Well? Can we talk? Well, you know what i mean." He says and i nod. We head to the backyard to talk, kind of.

"So... Hows Mazi and Jack?" He asks.

"Theyre good. But she goes by Maz now" I type.

"Oh good." He says. He turns looking around. I notice were the only ones outside but before i can ask he pulls me into the woods beside us. My eyes go wide. I look around and wave my hands to get someones attention. Nobody.

"Look. I just want a kiss" he says holding my waist. "Or a few" he kisses me but i dont kiss back. I try to push him away.

" just kiss me back and I'll leave. Its not like you can scream anyway" he says smirking. This goes on for a while. About half an hour until he leaves. In the middle of trying to get away i teisted my ankle and cut my leg on a branch. The end of my dress was more torn than before and soaked through with blood. After he leaves I sink to the ground and start crying.

Zachs POV
I finally find Daniel and Corbyn.
We bro-hug and talk for a few minuets.

"Ok guys i gotta go find Audrey. I dont want her to be alone too long" i say as we bro-hug again and i head to the kitchen.

Audreys not there.

"AUDREY!!!" I yell looking every where. I searched every where and asked everyone. I passed a group of boys and heard them talking.

"Totally dude." One boy with dark hair says.
"Well this.... Audrey Frantzich might like me too" one says.
I turn and hold the dark head up against the wall.
"WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HER" I scream in his face

"Just that.... We made out." He says smirking at me like he won an award.

" I DONT BELIEVE YOU!" I scream.

"Go ask her shes in the woods. Probably still catching her breath" he says and i drop him running out back. I see her sitting on the ground crying.

"Audrey!!" I say sitting beside her. She looks up her lipstick is very smeared.
She just keeps crying and smashes her head into my shoulder. After a few minutes she pulls back.

"What happened" I ask calmly even though im freaking out.

"He forced me to kiss him" she signs

"IM GONNA KILL HIM!!" I yell standing

"Please dont. Its fine I dont really care lets just go" she signs but I dont listen.

I run inside as fast as i can leaving her behind.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY GIRLFRIEND" I screan imfasizing the "MY" part.

I punch him in the face. He screams for his friends to help but they back away. I keep punching. He lands a good blow to my jaw causing me to stumble

"It wasnt forced! Heck not now. Not when we were 11 either!" He screams. I go into blind rage and begin punching him

Audreys POV

The boys keep fighting. I try to get theyre attention the best i can. They wont stop. Its about 50/50 right now. Idk who will win. I try and stop them. Finally i do the only thing I know to do that will stop them.

"STOP IT YOU IDIOTS!!" I yell at the top of my lungs

Guys i didnt know i would put that at the end. I litteraly just put it.
Anyway happy holidays!
Comment what holiday you celebrate!!!!!

{Word count 897}

Mute; Z.H ✔Where stories live. Discover now