'James! James, wait for me, I can't go that fast!' I cried, running to keep up with my boisterous older brother as he wove through the crowded station. James laughed and kept going.
'Come on Desi! You can run faster than that!' He called, slowing down a little bit, not wanting to lose sight of me. I ran faster, trying to catch up, not noticing the person about to step into my path until she was right in front of me.
'Look out!' I screamed, the girl looked up, and I had one second to see that the girl I was going to run into was absolutely terrifying. We both went sprawling, and when we pulled ourselves upright, the girl began shouting at me.
'You little brat! You ran right into me, and you haven't even apologized! I guess you're a filthy little muggle as well, no way a pure blooded wizard could be so rude and self important!' I cowered away from her, hoping against hope that James would appear and take me away.
'Already terrorizing the first years I see, Bellatrix.' Another, older girl with bright red hair and a Head Girl badge on her robes crossed her arms and frowned at Bellatrix, who bared her teeth back at her.
'Oh look, it's Molly Prewett, come to pick up another rag tag muggle have you?' Bellatrix snarled. Molly glared at her.
'Detention Black.' Bellatrix laughed as she walked away.
'Like that matters to me Prewett.' Molly glared at her retreating back before turning to help me up.
'She didn't hurt you did she? I'm Molly Prewett, the Head Girl at Hogwarts. Do you have any older siblings I can call for help?' I nodded, very thankful for Molly's help.
'I'm Sienna Potter, I have an older brother called James.' I said. Molly sighed good naturedly.
'Oh I know EXACTLY who you're talking about. Always causing mischief your brother is. I turn a blind eye to it whenever I can. Here he is now, James! You might want to take better care of your sister, she's just met Bellatrix, and I don't think they're going to become the best of friends any time soon.' James ran over and surveyed me for damage.
'She's fine, Desi's tougher than she looks, it comes, I think, from having me as a brother. Or it may just be Potter fortitude.' He grabbed my arm and dragged me off towards the train, getting a safe distance away before stopping again.
'Desi, you need to stay close to me, there's people like Bellatrix everywhere. When we get on the train, why don't you find some friends to sit with? That way you'll have some other people to look out for you instead of just me, because I can't be looking after you all the time. Alright?' I nodded. I already knew that he had friends at Hogwarts, and I knew I needed to make friends of my own, James couldn't watch me every second of every day.
'Promise Desi?' James prompted. I nodded and he smiled at me. 'Now go find some friends, you're good at that, it's impossible for people not to like you, and I need to go find my friends, if you need anything, come find me, we sit at the back of the train, ok?' I nodded again and James ran off towards the train.

The Marauder's And Me
FanfictionThe Marauders, everyone knows them. But this isn't just them, they aren't an island, they aren't alone, there's us as well. You haven't heard of us, no surprise, we're more like background characters, hangers on for the ride, we're not that importan...