On our way

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Ruby's P.O.V

Yes! Finally! I just graduated High school me and my best friend, Weiss Schnee alongside with my boyfriend Oscar Pine were going to the same college we were in Weiss's car heading to the house for the first time. Oh right! I should probably explain after we graduated high school Weiss told us about this Neighborhood called Vale a place filled with little houses for college students kind of like college dorms just that a house and for more people. I heard some houses even had from 4 to 10 students living in it! Anyways Me, Weiss, and Oscar decided to sign up for one. We were going to live with 4 other teens and we are meeting them today! Oh, I am so excited!

It was a nine-hour long drive from our city, Mistral, to the house so we took turns in driving 3 hours each. Right now it was Weiss's turn she was rambling on about how she hopes our roommates know how to clean up after themselves and that they're nice etc. "I sure hope that none of them leave the room in a total cluster and then expect me to clean it-"  "-Weiss I'm sure they won't do that just concentrate on the road," I told her "Ugh fine. But it's almost your turn me and Oscar already drove 3 hours each" I nodded and went back to sleep I had my head rested on Oscar's shoulder and my feet up on the seat next to me.

 I really didn't blame Weiss for being this nervous, after all, she has never had a roommate before unlike me who shared a room with my sister Yang for most of my life I've only had the room to myself for two years now since Yang left for college with her BFF Blake Belladonna they went to Heaven academy while we were going to Beacon.

It was that or the fact that Weiss's father didn't really approve of this, you see Weiss's family is very rich her father owns the Schnee Finacial Services Company or SFSC for short. Weiss's father is very classy and these Neighborhoods aren't exactly "Top Luxury" but after a lot of pleading and promises Weiss managed to convince him.

I looked over to Oscar who was sleeping and smiled I was very happy he could come with us both his Aunt, my dad, and uncle were ecstatic that we'd made it into Beacon and I owed it all to him since I would've failed half of my classes without his help "Ruby your turn~" said Weiss pulling up "Ughhhhh" I complained whilst getting up "Huh...what" said a very confused and now awake Oscar. Crap. I forgot I had my head in his shoulder "Oh sorry it's my time to drive" I apologized "Already? oh well we must be close" he said and rubbed his eyes "Yep just three more hours!" exclaimed Weiss, I could tell she really wanted to get out of the car "C' mon Ruby" she signaled me to get in the drivers seat I sighed and climbed my way there while Weiss sat in the passengers seat "Well then, Next stop Vale" I said and started the car.

A/N: Hey! Hope you like the story so far and sorry for the short first chapter it was mainly to introduce the characters and situation. So the basic stuff I don't own RWBY characters or names Only the plot! If I get a reference or scenario from somewhere I'll tell you Bye!

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