Burgers, Love, and Fainting

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Ruby's P.O.V

Our first day wasn't half-bad but I was starving, I didn't get to finish breakfast this morning. Weiss doesn't like Burgers, Phyrra wasn't hungry and Nora was nowhere to be seen so it was just me, Ren, Oscar, and Jaune at the burger place. We told each other embarrassing stories about us until a waitress came to take our order "Hello what can I get-umm" I looked up and...Nora! "Nora! what are you doing here!?" exclaimed Jaune "I........work here" Nora answered "Since when?" asked Ren "Well, today is my first day," said Nora "Wait why?" I asked, "Uh well I'm a few bucks behind on the rent of the house so I needed some extra money" Nora answered.

We all looked around nervously took our orders and watched her leave, she headed to the kitchen with a sad look on her face "She looked so miserable" I said "Let's just try and be happy for her" said Jaune "How do I do that?" asked Ren, I could tell he really hated seeing Nora as this "Just smile" suggested Jaune then Ren grinned in a way that would've gotten him chucked into the asylum if anybody saw "Dude.....we're here to eat not kill Batman" said Oscar "Oh, ha, ha, ha" said Ren sarcastically while I tried to cover my laughs "Here you go" said Nora and set our plates down "Enjoy" she turned around to leave but Ren caught her hand.

"Nora, you don't have to do this I can see you hate it, tell you what I'll pay the extra money you need for this month," said Ren Nora turned around the sparkle back in her eyes "Really!?" Ren nodded "Oh! Thank you!" said Nora while tackling him "But wait" she got off him "It's my first day, I can't just quit in my first day" Jaune then perked up and put his hand on his chin like he was thinking and looked at Nora with a smile on his face "Then get fired" he simply said "Oh no" groaned Oscar already knowing what was coming "Nora don't-" I started but it was too late she was already running towards the kitchen.

She entered the kitchen and a few seconds later we heard a loud crash then some screaming and Nora laughing, me and Oscar were too shocked to do anything, Ren had his hand on his forehead and was shaking his head from side-to-side meanwhile Jaune was laughing. Some minutes later we hear a muffled "FIRED!" coming from the kitchen then out came Nora looking like she had gotten herself into a food fight.

We bolted out of our seats "What happened!" we all asked Nora just laughed "I ate all the food I could find" she said whilst smiling. Me, Oscar, and Jaune just laughed. Later they asked us to leave but Ren went with Nora to the bathroom to help her puke some out first "What is taking them so long?" asked Jaune "Do you think they're alright?" questioned Oscar "Let's go check on them" I suggested.

We went to the bathroom and knocked. No answer. We knocked again and still no answer but we could hear some noises, we opened the door and our jaws hit the floor standing there were Ren and Nora making out! "What the-!" I screamed, they instantly separated from each other then I heard a loud 'THUD' I looked behind me and OM MY GOD Jaune had fainted Oscar and I went to check on him "uh........mmhhh" It's all that came out of him "Hey Kids! Didn't I tell you to leave?!" said a man while walking towards us "Crap!" said Nora"The manager, Run!" We all took one of Jaune's limbs and made a run for it.

During our escape, Jaune's head bumped against some chairs, tables, and a sleeping dog but honestly, I had bigger things to worry about like the very angry manager running behind us. When we made it out we headed to the other side of the street then we stopped looked at each other and started laughing like maniacs "What-Just!-happened!" asked Oscar in-between laughs. We looked at each other 4 teenagers laughing like crazy on the side of the road one with a waitress uniform looking like she took a bath in food, Ren still had some lipstick stains, and how can we forget about unconscious Jaune. After looking at each other we did the logical thing we took a selfie and sent it to Weiss and Phyrra with no context.

"C' mon guys Let's take a selfie!" I said "Yeah huddle up!" said Oscar bringing out his phone he extended his arm high up so we could see Nora showing off her clothes, Ren pointing at his lipstick stains, I was making a peace sign and Oscar was laughing and pointing at unconscious Jaune who was in-between us the manager was even screaming at us in the background. I don't know what was funnier the pictures or their responses.

Phyrra: Ummm.......Guys? what in the world happened


"Hey I've got an idea," said Oscar after we all stopped laughing "What is it?" I asked "Let's start an Album where we put pictures of us in crazy situations like this because I have a feeling we're going to get in many," he said my eyes widened "Yes! that's a great idea!" I exclaimed "We could even make it collaborative so we can all add pictures" suggested Ren.

"Oh yeah!" Nora's scream was enough to wake up Jaune "Uh....guys I had the craziest dream Nora was a waitress at a burger place and Ren finally found the gutts to confess to her" we all laughed even harder exept Ren "Hey!" He complained.

And that is how we started 'The Album'.


(Hey! So the timeline of the next few chapters will be messed up since I might get an idea for a summer vacations one-shot and then a christmas one, so yeah. But don't worry I'll be sure to clearly explain the timeline at the start of the chapter/one-shot. Thx bye!)

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