Then Everything Went Wrong

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Oscar's P.O.V

I offered myself and Neptune to drive because I needed to think some stuff through and Phyrra wasn't letting me concentrate. We drove for some hours (Maybe 2?) Neptune was on the wheel and I was spacing out, looking out the window when I noticed we were advancing but going in a sloppy manner. I turned to Neptune and my heart jumped out of my chest. HE WAS ASLEEP!!! I knew he had gone to a party yesterday but I didn't know he was that exhausted!

"Neptune!" I yelled. I reached out my hand to take the wheel but my seatbelt wouldn't allow me "Neptune wake up! C' mon! Dude!" I kept yelling but it was no use, we were starting to get off the road. I looked behind me and saw my backpack with my water bottle at its side I got it, opened the lid, and dumped it on Neptune.

Needless to say. He woke up. Now I wish I hadn't thrown the water at him. He opened his eyes and when he got his consciousness back he started flailing his arms violently yelling "AH! WATER! GET IT OFF! I'M WET! I'M WET!" I didn't understand what in the world was going on. I looked to the road again and yelped "Neptune the wheel!" but it was no use. We lost control of the car and crashed.

When I got my consciousness back I realized 3 things 1) I was still alive. Thank the gods 2) The car seemed fine and the crash wasn't that bad, and 3) All hell had broken loose outside "For the god of light! Oscar are you okay!" said Ruby worriedly as she helped me out the car "Y-yeah, might get some bruises but other than that I'm fine," I said rubbing my head.

Then I looked behind her. It took me a couple of minutes to process what was going on because of the hit I took to the head. Ren, Nora, and Weiss were examining the car Phyrra was running around trying to catch something, probably Mr. Cuddly flops, Neptune was rolling on the ground like a golden retriever and Jaune was lying unconscious.....again. "Alive?" asked Weiss "Yeah," I chuckled "So what's up with him?" I asked pointing at Neptune "What did you do?" asked Ruby "I dumped water on him" I said, Weiss, flinched "Yeah~Neptune's afraid of water" I blinked twice "......What?".

"Anyways, we need to-" started Ren, but then "Squawk!" cried a Qrow from the hood of the car "-call for some help," he continued, I could tell he was starting to lose it "Agreed," said Ruby "But the only one who has 3G is-" we all looked over to Weiss "Oh no-" she said "Oh no! I only have little left and I'm saving it for when I get my grades!" she said "Weiss! We are stranded in the middle of nowhere!" exclaimed Nora. Weiss looked unsure "Fine~!" she surrendered.

We called car services they said there had been a lot of car crashes recently and that they would be here in 6 HOURS! "Great" I mumbled "Guess we're stuck here meanwhile," said Ruby "I'll go meditate," said Ren "And don't follow!" he said pointing at the Qrow, the bird squawked again and followed.

It had been 5 hours and I was starting to lose it too. I was sitting down on the floor, Ruby was next to me and we were learning on the car door, drinking from our water bottles. I looked around and lifted my water bottle "To the only sane ones here" I toasted "What makes you say that?" asked Ruby.

I pointed at Phyrra who was jumping around laughing like a maniac yelling "Mr. Cuddly flops! Come back! Oh! You sneaky little bear!", at Jaune who was regaining his consciousness and losing it every five minutes, at Neptune who was still rolling on the ground and screaming. "You've been dry for the past 4 hours!" yelled Weiss from the tree she had climbed in an attempt to get signal "Moron" she whispered trying to go higher "Nora a-are you o-okay?" asked Ruby, we looked to our right to see that Nora, who was now rocking herself on the ground "Y-yeah, why wouldn't I? I mean it's not like I haven't had a single not one drop of sugar in a long time! 7 hours 56 minutes and 46 seconds to be exact, but you know who counts?" she laughed nervously. At last, I pointed at Ren who was at our left side, legs crossed trying to meditate but the squawking bird wouldn't let him "Squawk!" Squawked the Qrow once again "UMMMMMMMM" meditated Ren looking at the bird like he was going to pluck out the last feather out of him.Ruby bumped her water bottle with mine "Cheers" she said.

I thought I knew the definition of awkward but explaining to the car services people what the problem was with our friends in the background.........yep. Definitely in the top 10 most awkward moments of my life. Including the one where I had to tell them, we crashed because blue-haired head over there was afraid of water. As soon as the guys were finished they left. I really don't blame them, I would've left 5 hours ago too if our car wasn't you know.............crashed.

"Okay" started Ruby "Now what?" we looked around at the chaos, then I realized something "That's it!" I said out loud "What? You got something?" she asked "Yes! On our way here we passed through a gas station!" I said "So?" asked Ruby and I explained my plan, her eyes widened "Oscar! That's brilliant!"

(A/N: So! what's their plan? Did they realize they don't enough gas to go back home? Are they going to drop everyone else there and leave? Btw in my country (I'm not from the USA nor have I ever been there) gas stations always have a mini store at the back so this one will have one too)

We finally managed to get everybody in the back of the car. We got on, played some music and started driving to the gas station. Then a song came on the radio.

We laughed at the irony and continued until we got there.

Ruby's P.O.V

I laughed at the song as we pulled up, we told everyone to stay in the car and went inside. We bought what we needed and distributed it "Okay, some medicine for Phyrra," I said as Oscar gave her the pills, "Some towels for Neptune" he took them immediately and started rubbing his face with them "Some headphones for Ren" he took them gladly and smiled, he could now meditate in peace. We couldn't do anything for Jaune and Weiss so we moved on to Nora "And a chocolate bar for-" I looked up "Um-Where's Nora?!" asked Oscar 

"Hey!" we looked back, Nora was running out of the store with a handful of candy while the store clerk chased after her "Start the car!" she screamed we didn't hesitate and started driving, Nora caught up and jumped through the back window "What was that!" I screamed "I lost control, I needed sugar! It was an accident!" she yelled "Accident!?" I exclaimed, "How do you accidentally rob a store!"

Oscar didn't slow down until we were at Vale again. We entered our house exhausted, tired, and one of un unconscious. As we entered the kitchen we heard a DING! I looked over and saw it was Weiss's phone "Oh! Good news! My grades just came!" she chirped "Ugh~" I complained and plopped down to the floor.

(A/N: Hello! How was it? Just here to tell you I might not update for a while since I want to concentrate on my new book, hope you can read it! I'll probably post the first chapter in a week? I know, I know I'm a slow writer but I promise you it'll be worth it!)

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