Weiss's first Graffiti

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3rd Persons P.O.V

"You did WHAT!" Nora screamed not believing the young Schnee and her story "It's true I swear!" replied Weiss the gang together with Neptune were hanging out in the basement on the set of chairs and couch two months had passed since the Burger place fiasco "Here Oscar recorded it" assured Ruby as Oscar took out his phone in search for the evidence "Wait you're serious!?" screamed Jaune "No way!" laughed Neptune "Weiss did you really-" started Phyrra "-Yes! Why is it so hard to believe!?" exclaimed Weiss "Well you don't really strike as a 'Rebellious Teen'" said Ren, this made Ruby, Nora, Neptune, and Jaune laugh "What! I can be rebellious!" complained Weiss "Weiss you freak out if we forget to use a coaster," said Oscar while looking through his gallery "Hey!" Weiss protested "Well I think she looks cute when she freaks out like that," said Neptune, this comment made Weiss blush she has liked Neptune for a while but hasn't had the guts to tell him. Jaune, on the other hand, rolled his eyes at Neptune but he was too busy winking at Weiss to notice.

"Oi lovebirds! Quit flirting, Oscar just founded the video!" said Ruby Weiss then proceeded to glare daggers at her "We're flirting? Do you know how awkward it was for me whenever you and Oscar flirted? Or that time I caught you-" Weiss was then interrupted by a very panicked Oscar "-Anyways! Like Ruby said I found the video so let's watch it!" you could hear some snickers and giggles coming from the group as the surrounded Oscar to get a good view. On the screen were Oscar, Ruby, and Weiss they were clearly on the streets a play button was in the middle of the screen Oscar pressed it and the Video started.

~In The Video~

The three friends were walking on the streets Oscar was holding up the phone and recording on selfie mode "Hello! I'm Oscar Pine and recording this as proof of what happened today in hopes that we'll look back at it and laugh!" Weiss and Ruby were looking up ahead Weiss cracked a smile while Ruby looked embarrassed "So Weiss want to explain what happened?" continued Oscar "Of course" laughed Weiss "Well you see Ruby's uncle and dad are out of town so we decided to sleepover at Ruby's house but SOMEONE-" she said whilst looking intensely at Ruby who hid deeper in her scarf "-Forgot her keys this morning inside the house so now we have to wait 'till her uncle and dad come back tonight" Weiss finished "I thought I had them okay!" protested Ruby "Besides we can hang out on the city meanwhile" Ruby said as she gestured around "Yep luckily we had breakfast before we left and we went to eat lunch at a nearby restaurant now we're heading to the ice cream store then Weiss said she needs to buy some new shoes so yeah that's our plan 'till now," said Oscar.

 Then the video scene changed and they were sitting at a little round table with an ice cream store in the background "We are at the Ice cream store, these are very good" narrated Oscar and licked his mint ice cream "Gah" said Ruby as she got strawberry Ice cream all over her face "Stay still" said Oscar then grabbed a napkin and got it off for her "There" he said "Ugh you two are going to give me a cavity" complained Weiss "Are you sure that's not your ice cream Ice queen?" said Ruby gesturing to her caramel and chocolate ice cream Weiss just rolled her eyes at the mention of her nickname "Yeah Weiss I didn't take you as the 'Sweet Tooth' kind of person" said Oscar "What? Why not?" asked Weiss, Ruby, and Oscar just looked at each other then laughed as if sharing an inside joke "Guys? What's so-Oh! Guys!" exclaimed Weiss finally getting the joke.

(A/N: For those who didn't get the joke, Oscar didn't see Weiss as a sweet tooth person because she's the 'Ice Queen' and she's not exactly 'Sweet' terrible joke I know but it was 12:00 pm)

Then the video scene changed again Ruby and Oscar were outside an expensive-looking store and Weiss was nowhere to be seen "We are waiting for Weiss to buy her shoes and then we'll head to Ruby's since her dad gave her a call saying they were coming home early" explained Oscar Ruby was visible in the background snooping around the place and slipped into a corner just when Weiss came out "You got your beauty products Ice queen?" asked Oscar "Shoes Farmboy" corrected Weiss "Guys! look at this!" Ruby called out, the camera shifted a bit as Oscar and Weiss joined Ruby, the camera then showed that it wasn't a corner but  an alleyway and pasted to the side of one of the walls was a huge advertisement of The Schnee Finacial Service's company with a big picture of Weiss's dad "Ugh" complained Weiss "Not here! The last thing I wanted was to see his face".

The reason Weiss accepted Ruby's invitation to sleepover so fast was that she'd had a fight with him yesterday "Hey I've got an idea" said Ruby with a mischevious smile, then she pulled out of her backpack a black marker, Weiss's eyes widened as she realized what Ruby was suggesting. Oscar started to laugh not believing that Weiss would do it, then the Ice queen smiled "With pleasure" she said and Oscar stopped laughing. Weiss took the marker and got to work on the poster Ruby by her side suggesting things like "Oh! Add this-" and "Wait! Color that-" While Oscar filmed it all. After 10 minutes Weiss and Ruby stepped beside to admire their work of art. The picture of Mr.Schnee now had an eyepatch, a fake ugly beard, some colored-in teeth that made it look like they were missing and had some...........words written in the background. "Now what?" asked Oscar "Now we take pictures," said Ruby.

~End of Video~

"HOLY SH*T! YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!" screamed Neptune "Language," said Jaune "And that's not all," continued Weiss "Oscar show them the pictures that we took" Oscar then started to search his gallery "Is anyone else going to deal with the fact that Jaune just said 'Language'?" asked Nora "I know, just slipped out" said Jaune "Here!" announced Oscar then showed a picture of the three of them standing in front of the poster making faces, then another one of Weiss in the process of making it, one with Ruby and Weiss at each side of the poster making peace signs, and finally one with Weiss alone next to the poster, leaning against the wall, sunglasses on, making a not so nice sign with her finger.

The whole gang just burst out laughing "Oh-god-hahaha!" laughed Ruby "I-Had- forgotten about that last one!" she said "Oh god I'm going for some water" said Jaune in-between laughs "And for god's sake watch your language!" screamed Neptune after him Jaune slumped and looked at the ground "That's not coming away anytime sooner is it?" he asked "Nope!" we all answered. 

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